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REGULAR MEETING JULY 27, 2009 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />he is not taking issue with Mr. Carruthers’ mission, but the location. He stated that Aid <br />Ministry is already in the area along with two (2) homes for Life Treatment Center and <br />that is the issue that really needs to be addressed. He stated that the resurgence of the <br />near northwest side neighborhood has been due partly also to the residential homeowners <br />interest in making the area single family. He commended the investment of the Franklin <br />Place Apartments. The new owners have rehabbed that building and made it a wonderful <br />place to live. He reiterated that this area is a gem and a real benefit to the city. It makes <br />the city vibrant, it’s vital and it’s an attraction for people who visit this town. <br /> <br />Maureen Bolten, 625 W. Colfax, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she is twenty-four year <br />resident of the neighborhood and a member of the Near West Side Neighborhood <br />Organization. She stated that when she bought her home the house next door was a <br />rooming house. She said that home was bought by a woman who made it her home after <br />seeing how wonderful the neighborhood was. She lived there for about ten years and <br />then sold it to a couple who are raising their children there. She stated that the property <br />in question was used as an office for an attorney in town. She stated that she understands <br />that it would take some extensive remodeling to make it a single family home again. She <br />stated that she understands that no matter who buys the home that it would have to be <br />rezoned for the specific use, but would like to see it a residential home again. She stated <br />that she supports the neighborhood and supports Mr. Carruthers mission, but not at that <br />location. <br /> <br />Ms. Connie Blair, 1012 W. Washington, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she agrees with <br />the neighbors in the area. She stated that she has lived in the neighborhood for over thirty <br />years and has watched the progress from an area where no one would want to go to a <br />place where they all live. She stated that she has seen changes house by house, block by <br />block, and the fact is that there are small children living on this block that is something <br />that would not have happened ten or so year ago. She stated that the neighborhood is <br />coming back alive and families are wanted to move in and raise their children in the <br />neighborhood. She stated that the neighbors need all of the Council’s support to keep <br />them going to making their neighborhood a more residential place and charming area that <br />everyone wants to bring visitors to. <br /> <br />Ms. Marjorie Kinzie, 719 W. Washington, South Bend, Indiana, stated that the <br />neighborhood supports Mr. Carruthers effort; it’s the location of it. She stated that she <br />likes to walk the neighborhood and walks downtown whenever she can and she knows <br />the area very well and is very familiar with the contrast from the near west side and the <br />fragility of Taylor Street. She noted Jefferson east of Taylor; and Wayne east of Taylor <br />really needs help in being revitalized. She urged the Council to turn down this rezoning <br />not because of what the project is but because the area is just too fragile to support this. <br /> <br />Herb Herendeen, 710 W. Washington, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he opposes this <br />rezoning not because of its purpose. Mr. Herendeen asked if this is a not-for-profit <br />organization. If the project is for profit Mr. Carruthers would certainly have the means or <br />the ability to locate that facility in a less concentrated area where there are many other <br />commercial type locations that could be found for that same purpose. <br /> <br />Mr. Dwuan Watson, 226 S. Taylor, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he is not against Mr. <br />Carruthers purpose he is against the over saturation of this type of project in a <br />neighborhood. He stated that before he purchased his home at 226 S. Taylor it was the <br />neighborhood crack house. He stated that now he houses medical students from Notre <br />Dame, Ireland, Canada, Asia, and France. He stated that he and his wife have renovated <br />the home to make it what it is today. He stated that his property taxes have jumped up <br />because of the renovation from $2,200 to $5,000 a year. He stated that even with the <br />increase in taxes he and his wife are not going anywhere and just wanted the Council to <br />know about the investment that they have made in the area. <br /> <br />In Rebuttal, Mr. Carruthers stated that it sounds contradicting to him that everyone is in <br />support of the half-way house but don’t want the half-way house. He stated that is fine <br />and he understands that the neighbors have concerns about their property values. He <br />stated that he can drive up and down Taylor Street about 9:30 or 10:00 at night and find <br /> 15 <br /> <br />