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REGULAR MEETING JULY 27, 2009 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />they have gone through. He stated that he volunteers a lot at the Hope Rescue Mission <br />and is a Social Worker and have dealt with many people who have dealt with alcoholism <br />and a lot of other issues. Councilmember Oliver Davis stated that Mr. Carruthers needed <br />to help educate the neighbors in the area because not everybody knows how to deal with <br />alcoholism or drug addiction. He stated that this is how he feels this situation should <br />have been handled and disagreed with Mr. Carruthers comments of being prejudice. He <br />stated that he is all for helping out, been doing it, will continue to do it, but there is a role <br />to educate and not ram things down and then get mad at people for doing it. He stated <br />that he wanted to share that information tonight and explain that is what he was saying at <br />the committee meeting this afternoon. <br /> <br />Mr. Carruthers stated that his comments had nothing to do with anyone individually; he <br />was clearly stating how he felt regarding the situation. He stated that this thing is <br />spiritually guided. He stated that it is going to happen whether it happens here or it <br />happens somewhere else. He stated that people can complain about the crimes that are <br />being committee etc. He stated don’t complain about the crime, if no one is going to do <br />anything to stop it, that is all he is saying. Don’t complain about the crack head coming <br />up to the door asking for money if no one is willing to do anything to stop it. He stated <br />that he understands that people have worked in this field and if they have the same <br />compassion that he has then you know, but until you get there, you just don’t know. <br /> <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolution at this time. <br /> <br />There was no one present wishing to speak to the Council in favor of the Resolution. <br /> <br />The following individuals spoke in opposition to the Resolution. <br /> <br />Maureen Dean-Moran, 716 W. Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in opposition <br />to the bill. She stated that she is the President of the Near West Side Neighborhood <br />Organization. She stated that she believes Mr. Carruthers is correct in stating that we <br />need to help these people. She stated that the problem is not only in the city and in this <br />particular neighborhood, but in the county as well. She stated that the Near West Side <br />Neighborhood is not against the healing but against the location. She stated that the <br />neighborhood already has several of these kinds of rehab facilities and they have been <br />there for thirty or more years. She stated that putting another facility of that nature is <br />concentrating them in one area and doesn’t feel that is healthy for the individuals who are <br />seeking treatment. <br /> <br />Marilyn Watson, 226 S. Taylor, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she is opposed to this <br />bill. She stated that she lives two doors away from the proposed group home. Ms. <br />Watson advised that there are small children who live in the home next door. She stated <br />that they play outside during the summer months. She noted that there is a school bus <br />zone directly in front of their house. She stated that she is not against helping people <br />with drug and alcohol addition, but this location is not the right location. She stated that <br />the neighborhood organization has been working toward making the area more family <br />oriented again. <br /> <br />Ms. Ann Gorbitz, 225 S. Taylor, South Bend, Indiana, stated that there are a lot of <br />children in the neighborhood who play in the small yards. She stated that you know how <br />children are, they are always playing ball and inevitably they hit the house or garage not <br />on purpose but just playing, and is afraid that they may make someone living at this home <br />angry or agitated. Mr. Gorbitz stated that parking is a problem. There is not enough <br />parking in the area. She stated that when she gets home from work and there isn’t any <br />space on the street, she has to park across the street at the Church parking lot. <br /> <br />Mr. John Turin, 322 W. Washington, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he has lived in the <br />neighborhood for over forty years. He stated that when he started his business at 322 W. <br />Washington some thirty years ago, people were afraid to walk past Williams Street after <br />dark. He stated that the neighborhood which is a gem has come a long way. He stated <br />that the area has gotten much better because of investments like Tippecanoe Place, <br />Studebaker Museum, Oliver Mansion, and the various bed and breakfasts. He stated that <br /> 14 <br /> <br />