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First was Jack Dillon, Director of Environmental Services. This includes the wastewater, <br />sewer, and solid waste cost centers. Though personnel costs rose, the overall budget did <br />not. Details of these and other department submissions can be seen in attachment #5. <br />Following Jack Dillon, Carl Littrell, City Engineer, outlined the Engineering Department <br />budget. Matt Chlebowski outlined Central Services and Gary Gilot carried the ball for <br />the Street Department and Water Works. Finally, Chairperson LaFountain shifted focus <br />from public works to the budgets of the Morris and Palais Royale. The inimitable Dennis <br />Andres provided the narrative for these budgets. He began by introducing the five <br />members of the operational staff. Also provided was a promotional piece (attachment #6) <br />as well as the budget detail. Dennis went on to indicate the Morris/Palais operation had a <br />$5.9 indirect economic impact on the area. Over $350,000 was contributed to sales tax <br />revenue and 1500 room nights were directly attributable to the Morris/Palais. Even so <br />the revenue generated by adjacent parking and hotel/motel tax revenue was not share <br />with the Morris. Brief questioning followed. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairperson LaFountain <br />adjourned the meeting at 5:05. <br />Respect' Submitted, <br />om LaFountain, Chairperson <br />Personnel and Finance Committee <br />