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` "' <br />1 <br />2010 Budget Hearings <br />PERSONNEL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE AUGUST 5, 2009 <br />The August 5, 2009 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting was called to order by its <br />Chairperson Tom LaFountain at 3:30 p.m. <br />Committee Member's in Attendance: Karen L. White; David Varner <br />Other Council Member's: Derek Dieter; Ann Puzzello; Henry Davis (3:40 pm.); Al <br />"Buddy" Kirsits (3:45 p.m.) <br />Other's Present: Jack Dillon; Matt Chlebowski; Rita Kopala; Gary Gilot; Catherine <br />Fanello; John Murphy; Mayor Luecke; Tom Price; Carl Littrell; Mary Wisniewski; Jeff <br />Parrott; Gregg Zientara <br />AGENDA: Budget Presentations: <br />• PUBLIC WORKS <br />• CITY ENGINEER <br />• STREET/TRAFFIC & LIGHTING <br />• CENTRAL SERVICES <br />• WATER <br />• WASTE WATER/SEWER/SOLID WASTE <br />• MORRIS/PALAIS <br />Chairperson LaFountain began the budget hearings by recognizing Mayor Luecke who in <br />turn introduced newly hired City Controller Gregg Zientara. The accompanying new <br />release and resume is attached. The Mayor also noted Catherine Fanello would continue <br />to be available to see the 2010 budget through. The Director of Public Works, Gary <br />Gilot, turned to John Murphy for an overview of the 2010 public works budgets by the <br />numbers. These summaries are reflected in the attached document number 3. At this <br />point Committee Member Varner asked for an accounting of full time equivalents <br />(FTE's) both before and after reductions in'09 and 2010. Gary Gilot again took the floor <br />to present a public works overview. HE stated the city had worked very hard to reduce <br />costs. Having succeeded n what he described as "picking the low hanging fruit", efforts <br />now need to focus on finding efficiencies and innovation. He described a "budgeting for <br />outcomes" process borrowed from the lean six-sigma approach. Beyond simply cutting, <br />this allows finding better ways of providing services. The two page press release listed as <br />attachment #4 illustrates these efforts. Gary Gilot then turned to individual Department <br />Heads under the public works umbrella to make presentations. <br />