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Bill No. 09-55 -Amendment AEDC <br />This bill would add properties to the acquisition list allowing the orderly expansion of Ivy <br />Tech over the next 20 years. Handouts detailed the area Chairperson Rouse recognized <br />David Relos from the City's Community and Economic Development Department to <br />make the presentation. Relos said this bill simply allowed the city to expand the <br />boundaries of the AEDA so that properties could be purchased using TIF money. These <br />parcels would allow the needed expansion of the IVY Tech campus. He added similar <br />measures had already been approved by both the Redevelopment Commission and the <br />Area Plan Commission. Chairperson Rouse turned to the Committee recognizing Henry <br />Davis who asked how TIF projects were prioritized. He asked if this would negatively <br />impact progress in LaSalle Square. The Mayor responded saying over $2 million was <br />and continues to be set aside for LaSalle Square development. David Relos said <br />development opportunities therefore funding priorities rise and fall. Councilmember <br />White suggested the Council needed a LaSalle Square development update saying <br />commitments were made and more than a one time infusion was needed. <br />Councilmember White then motioned the bill be sent favorably. It was seconded by <br />Councilmember Puzzello and supported by all. <br />Bill No. 09-56 -Amendment SBCDA <br />Chairperson Rouse recognized Bill Schalliol of the Community and Economic <br />Development Department to make the presentation. Schalliol reported that the South <br />Bend Redevelopment Commission conducted a study of the Central Development Area <br />concluding five additional properties be added to the Coveleski Park Planning Area. This <br />would allow orderly development of the area. Schalliol provided a map of the area. <br />Councilmember Puzzello motioned approval. Councilmember White followed with a <br />second and all supported a favorable recommendation. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairperson Rouse <br />adjourned the meeting at 3:58 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />~?~~ <br />Timothy A. Rouse, Chairperson <br />Community and Economic Development Committee <br />