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Bill No. 09-48 -Tax Abatement -Waggoner Farm Development, L.P. (Ontario <br />Partners, L.P.) <br />This is a petition filed by the Holladay Corporation fora 9 year real property tax <br />abatement. The project is an evolutionary development of their Portage Prairie <br />Waggoner Farm Development. Committee Chair Rouse asked Bob Mathia to give the <br />staff report. He noted the proposed construction, estimated to cost $5,000,000, was for a <br />$157,000 sq. ft. building. The building was to be leased to a company for uses yet to be <br />determined. Bob further reported that while the petitioner has requested a nine year <br />abatement the Community & Economic Development staff calculated the abatement <br />should be 6 years. This was based on the Public Benefit Point System. Chairperson <br />Rouse allowed the petitioner, in the person of Paul Phair, to make a presentation. Phair <br />explained the proposed spec. bldg. was to mirror an earlier spec. bldg. built with a 9 year <br />abatement now totally leased. The abatement previously enjoyed and now requested <br />would allow Holladay to market to prospective occupants more competitively. Front end <br />costs for both the developer and the occupant would be spread out. In answer to <br />questions from both Timothy Rouse and Karen White, Phair said the fu119 years was <br />necessary for a level competitive playing field. Six years would not work. He said it <br />would be difficult to proceed with a six year abatement. Councilmember Varner <br />commented that on a net lease the occupant would pay the lower abated taxes helping the <br />start-up lessee. Opening the public comment portion Chairperson Rouse found none in <br />support; but several ready to oppose the abatement. Chris Springer representing the <br />Carpenter's Union said that over the last three years the Holladay Corp. has sub- <br />contracted construction work to HRG, a company which does not pay union wages. Brad <br />Murphy representing 850 carpenters echoed Springer's claims. Marti Wolfson said the <br />usual criteria the Council uses to evaluate abatement requests did not apply here. Spec. <br />projects, he said do not allow the Council any measurable benefits to consider. He called <br />this abatement corporate welfare for the Holladay Corp. Chairperson Rouse allowing <br />rebuttal gave Mr. Phair the chance to defend these claims. Phair said their developments <br />typically use 70-90% union labor. Then he reiterated the 9 year abatement was necessary <br />to compete along the toll road corridor. Chairperson Rouse reminded the Committee that <br />the issue was not union vs. non-union, but was prevailing wage paid. Henry Davis then <br />moved for sending the bill to Council with no recommendation. Karen White seconded <br />and all supported save Steve Cooreman, one of the citizen members of the Community <br />and Economic Development Committee. <br />