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SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />increase. He stated that HEA 1001 through everyone for a loop, but it is obvious that the <br />City was already teetering on the edge. Thus, there are the two options, tax the residents, <br />to maintain the limited status quo or use the situation to instigate change and to reform <br />how the city works in servicing its citizens. He stated that the issue at hand is the <br />housing crisis, what will it be five (5) years from now. Councilmember Henry Davis <br />stated that maybe they should write Congress and ask for a bailout package. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis advised that he has the privilege of working on the <br />negotiating team for the police and firefighters this past summer. He stated that the <br />experience was very enlightening for him. He noted that the Police and Fire Departments <br />do make up 75% of the City’s total operating budget and that figure is very real. He <br />stated that they struggled to come to terms for a one (1) year contract for both police and <br />fire and had opened his eyes up to issues that he never saw before. He stated that he <br />finally understands why when cuts have to be made, it is the police and fire departments <br />that need to be cut first, mainly because they make up the largest part of the budget, not <br />because anyone is against the police department or fire department, it is just when you <br />have a budget that consumes over half of the entire budget, it is the first place you look <br />at. He stated that cutting the police & fire budgets is not a scare tactic or a threat as many <br />th <br />may want to suggest. He stated that he represents the 6 District, and lives near Rum <br />Village Park. He stated that the park brings a wonderful quality of life for his daughter <br />and him. He advised that they walk and ride their bicycles in the park and enjoy doing <br />this very much. Councilmember Davis stated that the Park Department is the next largest <br />department for the City. He stated that Police, Fire and Parks are very important to him <br />and finds it very difficult to have to look at those departments to make cuts first. He <br />stated that the State Legislature has put local governments in a very difficult position. He <br />stated that he would support the substitute bill at the lower rate. <br /> <br />Councilmember Varner stated that the Council has been discussing this issue for the past <br />12 months. He stated that he has been taking notes and all kinds of thoughts have crossed <br />him mind. He stated that the primary thought is when do you enact a tax and why. He <br />stated that he is on the opposing side of the Mayor. Councilmember Varner stated that <br />the only time a tax is enacted is when there is absolutely no other choice. He stated that <br />in 2009 there are other choices. He stated looking down the road in 2010 is different, and <br />there are already option taxes in place. He stated that when the option taxes were first put <br />into place about fourteen (14) years ago, it was the police and fire departments that came <br />before the Council and stated that the Council needed to enact the tax so that the <br />departments could get adequate enough raises to keep and hire quality employees. He <br />stated that there has to some way to lobby down state to be able to tap those TIF Districts <br />and allow those revenues back into the general fund. Councilmember Varner stated that <br />the Umbaugh Report noted that there is approximately 15 to 20 million dollars in there <br />growing and get spent by the Redevelopment Commission without ever coming before <br />the Council for their approval. At some point and time, it those TIF dollars continue to <br />grow without restraint and doesn’t share those resources with the general public those <br />residents that don’t live in a TIF District will be paying the entire tax. He stated that he <br />believes in his opinion that everyone gave their best effort at budget time, but there were <br />no real cuts made, no action plan devised, and now we are at this point, asking the <br />taxpayers to give more by enacting additional option taxes. He stated that he would <br />much rather come back to this issue after the cuts have been made and to actually see <br />what the shortfall is going to be, then enact a tax to support the shortfall not to enact a tax <br />to support the majority of it. He stated that he believes that is being a fiscally responsible <br />Councilmember. He stated that he believes that once a tax is enacted it is not ever going <br />to be reduced or eliminated. He likened it to the 2% mandatory temporary State Sales <br />Tax thirty-five (35) years ago is now 7% which was supposed to be considered to reduce <br />any new tax locally. He stated that the position that the State has left local government is <br />truly a difficult place to be, but the Council needs to look long and hard at cutting the <br />budget before expecting the residents and taxpayers to pay more. He stated that the <br />Council did not do their due diligence regarding this matter. <br /> <br />Councilmember White again thanked everyone for attending this evening’s Council <br />Meeting. She stated that she appreciates both side of the issue, however, when the <br />comments become personal, people lose sight of what is important. She stated that this <br /> 17 <br /> <br />