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SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember’s Dieter, Henry Davis, LaFountain, Puzzello, Varner, Oliver Davis, <br />White, Rouse and Kirsits thanked everyone in attendance tonight. <br /> <br />Councilmember Puzzello stated that this is a very tough issue. She stated that she was <br />pursuing the issue of a Food and Beverage Tax. When taxation is necessary she feels that <br />it should be spread around on who would be paying the tax, and visitors to the <br />community would share in paying the tax. However, that tax would take a change in the <br />state legislature and would not be available for the 2009 budget shortfall. She encourages <br />everyone to submit suggestions on where the budget could be cut. Ms. Puzzello stated <br />that she understands that these are very hard economic times and everyone needs to cut <br />back, however, cutting back on police and fire protection is not one are that she is willing <br />to cut. She again thanked everyone for their opinions this evening and stated that she will <br />take all of them into consideration. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis stated that this has been a stressful day. He stated that he <br />discusses with other Councilmember’s especially with Councilmember’s LaFountain and <br />Dieter who sit next to him. He stated that what’s he is doing if you see him talking at his <br />seat to other Councilmember’s. Councilmember Davis stated that he never thought in a <br />million years that he would have to be making such a difficult decision in his first year on <br />the Council. He stated that he appreciates serving the citizens of South Bend for the <br />growth of South Bend. He advised that he is so Pro-South Bend beyond anyone’s <br />measurable belief. He stated that he loves his city, his hometown immensely. He stated <br />that he began this duty as Councilmember to increase the City’s benefits for all citizens. <br />He stated that he is well aware of what is being asked from the citizens tonight. They are <br />asking for all residents to contribute more money into a pot to continue services that <br />many are not fully receiving. He stated that his time on the Council has been fulfilling, <br />he stated that he loves serving the fine people of this City and thanks God each and <br />everyday for the strength and opportunity to do this job. When assessing the matter in <br />how City services are distributed in the Second District, he is not happy with the way <br />services are appropriated and certainly not the growth of the infrastructure. He stated that <br />the Council has two issues to discuss before voting on this tax increase tonight. The first <br />being does the Council maintain status quo or does the Council take this opportunity to <br />institute change to better serve all citizens of the City of South Bend. He stated that the <br />City is demolishing homes with no plan on what is going to go in their place. The streets <br />need a new look, new investment within the corporate City limits that will promote retail <br />development. They continue to pin on the residents of South Bend to keep the city <br />solvent. The school system is not graduating enough of the children with basic academic <br />skills. The city is toying with the idea of closing to recreational facilities in the second <br />district which he represents. These facilities do not just represent recreational activities; <br />they are anchors in the neighborhoods. This hits home for him. He questioned whether <br />or not all avenues have been looked at. The need to identify the necessary places that <br />need to sold to increase private investment. He questioned whether or not they have done <br />everything in their power as elected officials to shield the taxpayer from having to pay an <br />additional tax. He stated that he feels the City has fallen short. He stated that they can <br />blame the State, but he feels that they can diversify the City’s economy. He stated that <br />there is not enough balance because of the numerous non-taxpaying entities and have <br />failed to attract businesses that are for profit, and there is no excuse in that. He stated that <br />he cannot ask taxpayers to pay more and businesses to invest little. He stated that the <br />City uses tax abatement as a tool. He stated that he has firmly voted against arbitrary and <br />unnecessary tax abatements because that just puts the burden on the tax payers who are <br />already cash strapped. He stated that he is fully aware that he represents the residents of <br />nd <br />the 2 District; he also represents the entire City of South Bend also. He state that the <br />Council needs to have a detailed plan in front of them so that they can explain to the <br />residents and taxpayers of South Bend that they have explored every options available to <br />cut spending before enacting another tax increase. He stated that they have been told by <br />the Administration that even with this tax increase that it might not be enough. <br />Councilmember Davis advised that the city has been cash strapped long before the <br />nd <br />housing crisis or at least based upon the obvious neglect to the 2 District of South Bend. <br />He stated that they have not done enough to project the needs of the City nor have they <br />done adequate projections for the amount of revenue that would be received by this tax <br /> 16 <br /> <br />