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BILL N0.09-27 <br />This resolution was a request made by Treadstone, LLC fora 5-year personal property tax <br />abatement. At Chairman Rouse's direction Bob Mathia detailed his department's scrutiny of the <br />application. He indicated the proposal met all qualification fora 5 year abatement. Bob then <br />introduced the petitioner Ken Andrews. Mr. Andrews explained that Treadstone recycled solid <br />rubber tires shredding them to mulch, 90°l0 of which went for children's playgrounds and <br />landscaping. More specifically, the $200,000 shredder was the personal property to be abated. <br />After several questions about the process Mr. Andrews agreed enthusiastically to return for <br />further demonstration of this product. Councilmember Puzzello motioned, Councilmember White <br />seconded and all supported a favorable recommendation to full Council. <br />Under miscellaneous, Chairperson Rouse noting the County Council's adoption of a new tax <br />abatement ordinance provided copies of the bill and a summary of its points to the Council for <br />review (see attachment.) He pledged his Community & Economic Development committee <br />would take their action under consideration pending further review. <br />There being no further business to come' before the committee at this time, Chairperson Rouse <br />adjourned the meeting at 3:57 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />~~-C'~~~ <br />/.~~ <br />Timothy A. Ro s ,Chairperson <br />Community a Economic Development Committee <br />