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BILL NO. 18-09 <br />This bill asks the Council to appropriate $2,000,000 from the Indiana Economic Development <br />Corporation to be used for building and equipment costs at Innovation Park. Don Inks upon being <br />questioned by Councilmember Henry Davis again assured him no direct city dollars were <br />involved. These dollars were state dollars awarded to the city for a specific purpose not eligible <br />for use elsewhere. Councilmember Varner asked Don Inks to explain the Certified Tech Park <br />grant process designed by the state. Inks stated up to $5 million dollars could be made available <br />for the development of the park. The $2 million represents all the city can currently command. <br />Varner also asked if heavy truck traffic on S.R. 23 presented a problem for sensitive research <br />work. David Brenner said these possible vibrations had been taken into account. <br />Councilmember White motioned, Councilmember Puzzello gave a second and all supported a <br />favorable recommendation to full Council. <br />BILL N0.19-09 <br />Chairperson Rouse allowed Pam Meyer, Director of Community Development to present the bill. <br />She explained the Department of Justice (DOJ) grant of $175,000 was awarded to the city for <br />funding the first year of a second site for the Weed and Seed program. Weed and Seed areas <br />can fund increased police patrols, graffiti paint-over supplies, Bridges out of Poverty classes, a <br />youth art contest and an after school program. In response to Councilman Dieter's queries about <br />start-up time for site #2, Pam Meyer said a Director should be on board in 2 weeks. Assuming <br />passage of the bill, dollars were available now. Ann Puzzello motioned. Councilmember White <br />seconded and all supported the recommendation to send to Council favorably. <br />BILL N0.09-19 <br />This is the resolution the Council hoped would prompt the Redevelopment Commission to hold off <br />supporting a $1.3 million dollar pledge of TIF funds and an implied promise of $1.7 million more to <br />support the New Tech High School proposal. In that the Redevelopment Commission by a 3-2 <br />decided to go ahead, the Council continued consideration of this Resolution from their last <br />meeting. In addition to the TIF fund question the resolution asked the School Board and the <br />Redevelopment Commission form more information regarding the proposal. Also included was a <br />request for better collaboration among entities involved. Chairperson Rouse explained that the <br />resolution was sponsored by both Dieter and Varner; but was supported by all. Dieter thanked <br />Rouse's forbearance and commended Superintendent Kapsa's cooperation with Rouse's <br />Community and Economic Development Committee. Councilmember Rouse for his part, again <br />urged study of the Hojnacki document and also chastised the Redevelopment Commission for <br />their lack of cooperation with the Council. Having made his point, he suggested the resolution be <br />continued indefinitely for further discussion. Councilmember White so motioned. Councilmember <br />Puzzello seconded and all supported the continuance recommendation. <br />BILL N0.09-26 <br />This bill requests real property tax abatement for a single family residence at 1029 N. Notre <br />Dame Avenue to be built by Robert & Kelly Bretz. Chairperson Rouse asked Mr. Bob Mathia of <br />the Department of Economic Development to detail the proposal. He indicated this $450,000 cost <br />to construct a home on its $60,000 lot would generate over $24,000 in new tax revenue while <br />abating only approximately $2,200 over the 5-year period. Questions asked by Tim Rouse <br />revealed the home was not located in a TIF area. Catherine Andres moved the bill go to the full <br />Council favorably. This motion was seconded by Councilmember White and supported by all <br />save Henry Davis. <br />