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police and fire department administrative structures were sacrosanct. Could different <br />management structure produce efficiencies? <br />Mayor Luecke said the city is faced with the need to cut dollars across the board, in every <br />department. Due to revenue caps all core services were in jeopardy of being cut. <br />Councilmember White said cuts should be phased in while we continue to explore other possible <br />revenue streams. <br />Councilmember Rouse observed that because the Council can only cut or "dispose" of items in a <br />budget "proposed" by the Mayor, the Mayor and Council shold be at the same table at which the <br />budget is "formulated." <br />Mayor Luecke agreed. Every service has its constituency. Every prospective cut will hit <br />someone's "hot button." <br />Councilmember Kirsits and LaFountain both underlined the fact that when city residents dial <br />9-1-1, they expect someone to show up. That is both the benefit and price of a high level of city <br />service. <br />Councilmember Rouse took this opportunity to bring up the Hojnacki/IUSB report on public <br />service provision.; This who,~what, when, and how study was cited as appropriate valuable <br />reading for all. He again emphasized the importance of identifying expected services, prioritizing <br />them, and then figuring out the best way these services can be provided and how to pay for <br />• them.. According to Councilmember Rouse collaboration if key. <br />Councilmember White agreed that collaboration among elected officials and the public was key to <br />making decisions understood and accepted by everyone. <br />Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand went on record in the name of transparency stating the 70% plus <br />::dollar figures spent,on public•safety were misleading.. Though that fgure maybe a true% of . , <br />-- - - -- - dollars from property taxes it is more like 35% of total dollars spent on provision of city-services. - <br />Council President Dieter advised that no other summit sessions are yet scheduled and adjourned <br />this summit at 7:43 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted. <br />l <br />erek D. Dieter, President <br />South Bend Common Council <br />