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~~~ <br />~__ - SOUTH BEND COMMON COUNCIL SUMMIT MARCH 16. 2009 <br />Council Members Present: Derek Dieter, Presdient; Karen White; Timothy Rouse; <br />AI "Buddy" Kirsits; Ann Puzzello; Tom LaFountain; <br />Others Present: Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand; Jamie Loo; Rita Kopala; Mayor <br />Stephen Luecke; Jerry Niezgodski <br />Council President Dieter called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and announced only four (4) <br />Councilmember's had submitted their rankings of job applicants by the deadline of Friday, March <br />13, 2009. The consensus of those present was to honor the deadline and proceed. <br />President Dieter then announced the Council's State of the Council would be scheduled for the <br />next regular meeting Monday, March 23, 2009. He said this was not to be viewed as a response <br />to the Mayor's State of the City but as an opportunity for each Councilmember to give a 5-7 <br />minute view reflecting their own perspective. <br />President Dieter then shifted focus to the main item on the agenda, namely, the ongoing budget <br />review process. The Mayor interjected that an updated projection of revenues available in '09 <br />was forthcoming from Umbaugh & Associates. Thee estimates would be forwarded to the <br />Council and preliminary budget review sessions through the Council's Personnel & Finance <br />Committee and the Controller's Office would be scheduled on the 15t and or 3`~ Mondays of each <br />month. " <br />Councilmember White suggested working toward reaching a consensus on a budget review <br />model. Previous discussions considered the adoption of "performance based" budgeting <br />- - ~ ~ - ~ ~~ techniques. Councilmember Rouse reminded the Council that the=GontrolleF had` promised a" - ~ ~~ ' <br />~` "legend"to define and bettei-`evaluate budgeting alternatives. ~ -" ' ~`"'' ~ ' " " <br />Mayor Luecke said he has been working on a process of public participation to better establish <br />budget priorities. He said this process would not impinge the Council's role in the budget. <br />President Dieter recalled formed President Rouse's retreats in '08 which revelaed public safety as <br />a #1 priority. President Dieter opened discussion focusing on what "public safety" means. How <br />can it be defined? What does public safety encompass? <br />Councilmember Puzzello said there should be no cuts in the number of sworn police officers or <br />firefighters. <br />Councilmember White felt the idea of "public safety" needed to be "shaped." Her impression from <br />past discussions was that citizens want a safe and clean city. If these are priorities then it should <br />be recognized that priorities would drive the budget process. <br />Councilmember Puzzello added that while sworn personnel should be exempt from public safety <br />cuts civilian personnel would be non-exempt. <br />Councilmember Rouse said if we say no to cuts in the public safety sector, deeper cuts would <br />need to be made elsewhere. <br />Councilmember LaFountain said its not just bodies, but an evaluation of how services are <br />provided. Can technology investments result in efficiencies? Dieter agreed asking if the current <br />