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Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand stated that at the last Health and Public Safety Committee <br />meeting, there were at least two representatives from the Legal Department, and the question was <br />raised whether or not there was a difference between what the Council believes are reasonable <br />and necessary as opposed to the Board, and she got the impression that the legal department was <br />going to get back to us. <br />Committee Member Oliver Davis inquired about the questions that were submitted to Randy <br />Wilkerson by the Council, and stated that he hadn't received any information on it. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand stated to Councilmember Preston that if she is going to <br />participate, she needs to give a disclosure. <br />Councilmember Preston stated that she was advised that she didn't have to do that, but it is what <br />it is. <br />Chairperson Voorde clarified that Councilmember Preston, working with these folks had a list of <br />questions. <br />Councilmember Preston stated that actually, the community forum for economic justice <br />submitted something to the committee, and I submitted some of it separately. <br />Committee Member White stated that they did not answer those questions, and that it was stated <br />at the last meeting. <br />Committee Member Broden asked for the minutes from that meeting to reference what requests <br />had been made. <br />Councilmember Preston stated that she never got a response to her set of questions. <br />Committee Member Broden stated that she had taken notes that to substantiate the fees and <br />document that the Council's role is to find them reasonable related to the cost. <br />The Council discussed the fact that there was not a representative of the administration present at <br />the meeting, and determined that they would like to make this a productive meeting and hear <br />from the members of the public who came out. <br />Chairperson Voorde announced that he had to leave for a meeting at 6:30 p.m., but he wanted to <br />give the people from the public time to speak and share their concerns. <br />Chairperson Voorde asked if anyone was there to speak in favor of the proposed bills. <br />Seeing no one, he asked if anyone was there to speak opposed, and if you're going to speak give <br />your name and address and proceed. <br />Penny Hughes asked if both bills are regarding increasing the fees, and Councilmember Preston <br />explained that they are both regarding increasing the fees, one is specifically on nuisance <br />