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test the products in the shop. This ordinance will force him to close his doors and it will push <br />more revenue in the form of taxes to Mishawaka. <br />Shawn Anderson, 1421 Holly Ridge Run Fort Wayne, represented an emerging trade association <br />for the vaping industry called Indiana Smoke Free Alliance. The New York bill and other <br />successful ordinances referenced in the presentation have exemptions for vape businesses. The <br />CDC numbers on the vaping health risks has been debunked by Harvard University. Indianapolis <br />also has exemptions for tobacco and vaping shops and that ban is working well. This ordinance <br />does not define or delineate between vaping and smoking which is a problem. Mr. Anderson <br />provided flash drives that have research on vaping products and how clean the air is even when <br />someone is vaping in the room. Normal air has nine (9) micrograms of particulate in the air while <br />a room being vaped in has nine point five four (9.54) micrograms of particulate in the air. A <br />room being smoked in has over fifty -four (54) micrograms. Comparing vaping to smoking is like <br />comparing apples to oranges <br />Mitch Zultanksi, 1516 N. Ironwood, stated he is the owner of Mitch's Second Corner Sports Bar. <br />He has asked the Councilmembers if they have spoken to the employees of smoking <br />establishments to see if they want this ordinance and at least three (3) have said they have not <br />spoken to any employees. If we are trying to protect people from their choice of where to work, <br />the least you could do is speak to those people who you are claiming to protect and not make <br />decisions for them. Regarding the recession in Elkhart, bars are known as recession proof, people <br />will always go to their local bar and drink and some studies show bars thrive during recessions. <br />When Indianapolis smoking ban went into affect a lot of little local bars did close and the same <br />with Evansville and Fort Wayne. Mr Zultanski claimed he knew this because membership in the <br />Indiana License Beverage Association from those cities during each of the ban fell. The big <br />companies and bars do not get hurt or they are able to survive but for the local owned bars it <br />definitely hurts. Karl Nichols has never has never given the number of how many employees <br />from bars have actually called him to say they support this ban. <br />Gary King, 730 N. Hill St., stated it is strange for him to be in this position because he has never <br />smoked in his life but people have the knowledge to make their own decisions as people have <br />stated many times. Take seriously that it is important to make the exception for some businesses <br />by say certificate or license to be permitted to allow smoking in their establishments. It might <br />even behoove some of the bars to become retail tobacco outlets because some in Michigan have <br />done that. <br />Pat Mulligan, 1705 South Bend Ave., this ordinance will murder our businesses. Mr Mulligan <br />loves this City and this community. He implored the Council to think real hard tonight about this <br />decision because it will murder these bars. Lets not reinvent the wheel and be happy that every <br />bar here are tax payers. He pledged his support for the Council and the City in every issue except <br />this issue. Mr. Mulligan commented on his friendship with Mr. Ferlic's father and that he comes <br />in to smoke a cigar occasionally at Mulligans. Other prominent officials, including Mayor Pete, <br />come in and mingle with blue collar workers and smoke a cigar. It is a great place for everyone <br />to mingle. Mr. Mulligan asked to not have Mr. Ferlic's father forced outside. Let's all make this <br />community better. We need to focus on the important issues and not taking smoking away from <br />veterans and mom and pop bars. Mr. Mulligan asked will you close the South Bend Chocolate <br />E3 <br />