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now vacant buildings which is not something South Bend needs. Mr. Diltz offered is services to <br />the city if they wished to do some type of study over the next year. His family has been putting <br />video games, juke boxes, pool tables and other bar games in every location that would allow <br />them to do so and bars are a big part of his business. We know exactly what happened in Elkhart <br />and the ordinance did hurt those city bars, not a single bar in Elkhart County closed. <br />James A. Masters, 350 Columbia St. South Bend, spoke on the behalf of Richman Master <br />Distributer Inc. They are a wholesale distributer of products for grocery and convenience stores <br />including tobacco products. They have 320 employees company wide and operates fifty -three <br />(53) Low Bob's tobacco stores in the South Bend area. Six (6) of those Low Bob's are in the city <br />limits and employ twenty -five (25) people. This proposed ordinance gives no exception to <br />anyone and Richman Masters asks the Council to remove tobacco stores from the list of places <br />where smoking is prohibited. Other Indiana cities that have adopted anti - smoking ordinances all <br />expressly exempt retail tobacco stores from the ban. The business of a retail tobacco store is <br />wholly dependent upon tobacco sales and has no other way to make up profits. Restaurants and <br />bars have other principle profits. The courts have said exempting tobacco stores is reasonable <br />because that is all the store can sell. It is unreasonable for South Bend not to exempt tobacco <br />stores and this ordinance will put tobacco stores at a disadvantage to other stores in the area. It is <br />not just the jobs in the tobacco stores that will suffer but the truck drivers, bookkeepers, officer <br />workers and other employees of Richman Master Distributer Inc. Also, it appears to Mr. Masters <br />that the second substitute bill is out of order and is not properly before the Council for <br />consideration because no bill shall appear on the agenda of the regular meeting unless said bill <br />has been filed in the City Clerk's Office before the Wednesday at noon immediately prior to said <br />regular meeting. Both proposed substitute bills did not meet that deadline. Also, every bill is said <br />to have to be read three (3) times and no bill shall be read the third time as the meeting it was <br />introduced. In order for you to consider this bill you have to unanimously approve it tonight. <br />Scott Carrico, 4202 Technology Dr., Vice - President of Richman Master Distributors spoke <br />against the bill. It is commonsense to exempt tobacco stores from this ordinance because of their <br />industry. Smoke free will not work for his company. For the state, local, and federal government <br />they collect over $60 million dollars in tax. They are asking for the state law to be upheld and the <br />exemption of tobacco stores remain in place. Our business has been here since 1936 and we do <br />not have to be here. It would make more sense for us to be in Indianapolis by pure geography but <br />we stay here because it is our home. A committee should be formed and they need to be a part of <br />that discussion. <br />Jason Nielson, 52936 Highland Dr. 46635 South Bend, stated he owns a vape shop in South <br />Bend that deal with the liquids and devices. His business caters to adults only and people aged <br />eighteen (18) and over are the only ones allowed in his store or on the premises. His customers <br />include current smokers looking for a solution to quitting smoking as well as former smokers <br />who have switched over to vaping completely. The sale of e- liquids and a wide variety of flavors <br />comprises the bulk of his business and services provided. There is no nicotine in the sampling of <br />flavors part of his business. The flavor testing portion is critical to his business because it allows <br />customers to try before they buy. Allowing vaping in a vape shop makes common sense. No <br />customer is keen on buying blindly and will drive customers to other vape shops where they can <br />7 <br />