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Dan O'Conner, offices on the 12th Floor of the County -City Building Chief Technology Officer, <br />thanked the Council for inviting him to the meeting and he is excited as well to collaborate going <br />forward to better South Bend. <br />Chairperson Tim Scott stated he would get with IT to work with the Ipads to make sure we are <br />using them to their best ability because it is a very helpful and time saving tool when you are <br />dealing with documents of a couple hundred pages. <br />Alkeyna Aldridge added she is happy to help any of the Councilmembers to navigate the Ipad <br />and use the new bookmarks and links the City Clerk's Office added to the agenda because it is <br />no longer just a block of pages but you can navigate it very quickly and easily. <br />With no, further business before the Committee, Chairperson Tim Scott adjourned the meeting at <br />5:43 p.m. <br />,:ectfespectfully Sub itted, <br />Tim Scott, irperson <br />