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Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand asked what the timeline is for taking the IT Department from <br />Administration and Finance and making it its own department because that will take an official <br />ordinance. <br />James Mueller responded it will probably be part of the budget process. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston asked about how the meetings are broadcasted to the <br />public. <br />City Clerk Kareemah Fowler responded all the meetings are on Channel 99 Public Access with <br />AT &T and Comcast. The meetings also go on the City Clerk's YouTube page within forty -eight <br />(48) hours of the meeting so they are available to watch by everyone for free. <br />Chairperson Tim Scott said that would be something to look into because many people do not <br />have cable and they only do an hour before they cut it off. YouTube has the entire meeting which <br />is nice. <br />Joseph Molnar stated that it plays for two (2) hours on Channel 99 not one (1) hour <br />Chairperson Tim Scott responded great and we will keep the ball moving going forward because <br />there are certainly ways that we can get even better at giving residents access to the meetings. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston asked about the OneVoice system that came up last <br />year because it would be great to get some accurate feedback from specific parts of the City and <br />from the City as a whole on certain issues such as the smoking ban. That doesn't mean it would <br />be a straight democratic vote but a way to better inform us of residents' opinions. <br />Councilmember Karen White stated that goes back to best practices of what some other cities do <br />to look at if there are useful tools out there the City is not using currently. <br />Chairperson Tim Scott stated all the Councilmembers are administrators of the Council <br />Facebook site as well. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic stated last year at a Notre Dame competition he saw a pretty <br />innovative app /website that is being used in beta form by a few cities now that may be worth <br />looking into because it was not very expensive. <br />Chairperson Tim Scott did say it is always important to remember a lot of these different systems <br />have been hacked and that is something to look out for. <br />Santiago Garces, offices on the 12th Floor of the County -City Building, stated as the Chief <br />Innovation Officer for the City he is open and really excited to work with the Council this year <br />and making sure technology enables both the residents and the employees of the City in their <br />lives. <br />