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Judith Rubleske, 500 S. Mead South Bend, she stated she was born and raised here and is so glad <br />she moved back. She stated she is the founding president and garden leader of Kankakee <br />Wetlands Preservation Group. She stated she agrees with all the opponents who have spoken and <br />she stated she does not want our children to grow up in an area not connected to nature. She <br />stated her neighborhood used to be part of the Kankakee Wetlands and that all wetlands need to <br />be available. The city should collaborate with the South Bend Schools and not just the science <br />groups coming out to nature areas, but every child that attends our schools come out to our <br />natural areas multiple times. She stated this will remind them through all their senses that they <br />are of the earth. <br />Sally Derengoski, 1788 Amber Wood Ln South Bend, stated she is a golfer and also comes to the <br />Council with a background in golf management. She consulted on the new Warren Course and <br />has served on national golf foundations. She stated when she looks at the numbers they do not <br />compute. She stated the national golf foundation, which is taken as the last word on golf round <br />numbers, in 2015 approximately 25 million golfers nationwide that is the same number of pre <br />Tiger Woods in 1995. She stated the numbers might look down over the past ten years but <br />looking at the longer perspective golf still has a very large number of people. She stated she <br />thinks golf has a bright future. She stated Elbel is a gem in the community and to have two <br />terrific 18 hole golf courses is really special and makes us a little bit unique compared to other <br />communities our size. She does think we are not marketing those courses very well and that is <br />the issue. <br />Jan Mcgowan, 17525 Auten Rd. Granger, she stated don't let her Granger address fool you. She <br />stated South Bend is her city, it is where her children went to school and where she works, and it <br />is a huge priority for the city to have this wonderful open space and ecological area. She stated <br />these spaces are imperiled everywhere and we have to protect them. Development represents a <br />final permanent loss for all the city's residents. She stated any decision which inhibits the quality <br />of parks must never be made in haste. She stated a commission is needed to study Elbel's future. <br />Rich Walling, 5733 York Rd South Bend, he stated he is here to represent the over 65 golfers. <br />He stated unfortunately many of them are not here because they are down in Florida. He stated <br />more people his age golf because they simply have more time. The seniors are not using the <br />water parks, or the swing sets or basketball course but many are playing golf, and he would hate <br />to see the city lose Elbel. In August a group of about 40 golfers met and talked about some of the <br />issues going forward and what came out of that meeting is they would be willing to help fray the <br />cost and expenses of Elbel by increasing the fees. However since then they have not been able to <br />get anywhere. He stated the rates for next year have not been increased and in fact the all - <br />inclusive pass went from 1600 a year to 1300 a year. A lot of people use that pass because it is a <br />great pass. The numbers have been reduced not increased. The loss of high salary people has <br />already made a dent in the losses at Elbel. He stated it looks like Elbel is on track to break even <br />this year. He asked the Council not to be hasty and sell Elbel. <br />Jeff Botich, 11363 Nicole Dr Granger, stated everyone says golf is declining but Golf Magazine <br />disagrees. He stated the municipal courses are up 30 %. He would be happy to pay additional <br />money to keep Elbel open. He stated the city should try to do more to get families and younger <br />people involved in golf because they are doing nothing right now. He stated junior golf leagues <br />0 <br />