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Paul Blaschko, 322 E. Colfax Ave Apt. 209, stated he was disappointed in the administration's <br />presentation today. He stated he has a lot of hope for the City of South Bend and the Mayor's <br />administration is one of the reasons he and his wife decided to live in South Bend, and he <br />expected more at this meeting. He noted that Elbel Park is a park that happens to have a golf <br />course on that property. Elbel is very important to this community and that needs to be respected <br />by the City. He stated if there is a financial case for the city to no longer support a golf course at <br />Elbel, there are many other options that the city could look into and they have not been presented <br />or adequately researched by the city. He stated Elbel being outside of the city limits is an asset, <br />not a drawback of the park. He stated fifty -six (56) of the one - hundred (100) biggest cities in the <br />U.S. have parks outside of their city limits. He stated people want to live in cities that invest in <br />park properties and get outside of the city and make their children good stewards of our natural <br />resources. He stated it is ridiculous to state Elbel has been losing money as a golf course and all <br />that money has gone into golf operations, he stated there was no clarity in the numbers provided <br />today and they are unclear. He stated there is no information to make a well thought out decision <br />and that he is disappointed in the administration and that the administration is not taking the lead <br />and that they are not being consistent with their own vision. <br />Chairperson Randy Kelly wanted to make it known to the Council members not on the PARC <br />Committee that the bill as written is for the sale of Elbel even though the administration did <br />bring up the lease idea. <br />Laura Fuderer, 18485 Garwood Court South Bend, is the conservation chair of the Audubon <br />Society of South Bend and Elkhart. Their chapter has a membership of seven - hundred to eight - <br />hundred people, and their board of directors has opposed this sale. They support the park staying <br />as is but would prefer it being transferred into a nature preserve. They believe the sale should be <br />delayed to explore better alternatives. She gave examples of multiple unique species of marsh <br />birds, such as the Sora, Moorhen and Sand Hill Cranes among many others that have been found <br />at Elbel. She provided multiple pictures of the birds who are found at Elbel. She stated Elbel is <br />home to an endangered species the Blandings Turtle and a professional botanist found three <br />endangered plants. Since no official environmental study has ever been done at Elbel she highly <br />urges those matters are examined before any sale moves forward. She asked for the sake of <br />future generations and the sake of precious wildlife please delay this sale and explore other <br />options. <br />S. J. Szabo, Offices on Mishawaka Ave, stated Elbel is much more than a golf course. The <br />property is an ecological asset, it is the responsibility and duty to future generations to preserve <br />this land. He stated the sale of the park would deprive future generations of an invaluable <br />regional asset. There are no terms of sale that can or will protect the park for the benefit of the <br />public. He stated if the community would lose control there is nothing the public can do to <br />protect the lands regardless of anything the administration says. He stated you cannot have a <br />housing development next to a conservation area, it will not work. He asked the Council to stop <br />this sale immediately so that the PARC Committee can consider and deliberate the best course in <br />the future for Elbel and the best interest of the public. He stated this Council needs to use their <br />wisdom to slow down the administration and not heed to their artificial deadlines. <br />4 <br />