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The cons of a lease is there is no reinvesting of the money received for the sale of the park and <br />the City still owns land outside of the city limits. <br />The City has tried to examine what the best path forward would be. The City suggests the best <br />path forward would be a lease of the land after hearing from the public. In response to some <br />suggestions by the public that the process has been condensed, Mr. Zeeb went through the <br />process since its beginning in May of 2015. <br />Mr. Zeeb apologized for the delay at the beginning of the meeting and for the technical issues, he <br />would have liked to have a little more time to get into some more of the specifics of the sale and <br />lease options. He stated the City wants to hear from the public, which is why the Council <br />scheduled this meeting. <br />Committee and Council members decided to wait on their questions to allow the public the first <br />opportunity to speak and ask questions. <br />Those wishing to speak in support of the bill: <br />Kevin Patterson, 1720 Belmont Ave, stated he has been a taxpayer for thirty five (35) years and a <br />golfer since 1980. He stated he doesn't want to see Elbel sold but he certainly doesn't want to <br />see it turned into something other than a golf course. He read the thirty five (35) page <br />presentation by the group in opposition to the sale and thinks they have a lot of good points. He <br />stated that since Elbel is so close to breaking even, with a little work on the City's part Elbel <br />could make money again. The only problem is it has not been budgeted properly or managed <br />properly. He stated there has not been a lot of clarity on how expense and other money is <br />allocated during the capital investments portion. He stated we have a good amount of nature <br />preserves already and that Elbel run properly could be very well- attended and make money. He <br />stated the past management of Elbel had people turned away from the course and it would be a <br />sad day to see it as a nature preserve. He stated if the city can't maintain it sell it as a golf course <br />but he thinks they could make the course profitable. <br />Those wishing to speak in opposition to the bill: <br />Kristi Haas, 3808 Clidesdale Dr. Apt. 3b South Bend, wanted to thank Mr. Zeeb for his desire to <br />hear from the public. To follow up on Mr. Patterson's comment, it does seem a fee change could <br />help this matter which is what the Park Board did approve last year. She stated no argument has <br />been made that the sale of this park does not solve any budget issues. She introduced Elbel for <br />Everyone who have come in large numbers who are insisting on a public and transparent process <br />that draws on multiple fields of expertise and accounts for the varied public interests on what to <br />do with Elbel Park. She stated she looks forward to hearing from everyone else today who are <br />here for Elbel. She stated that Elbel for Everyone's ecological preservation helps the entire <br />community and not just a small subset. She stated the public sees different kinds of value in <br />Elbel that is not just monetary including ecological benefits, education, and the well documented <br />mental and physical benefits green space provides to residents. <br />3 <br />