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Health and Public Safety Committee <br />February 19, 2009 <br />Page 5 <br />Jerry Niezgodski of 2930 Bonds Avenue is a member of the Lincoln Way Gateway <br />Association and would like Beacon Heights people to come to their meetings. He noted <br />that concerns have been raised about trash near St. John the Baptist Grade School; <br />problems by the NW corner of Sheridan; holes in the fences, etc. He is glad that Beacon <br />Heights representatives are here today and suggested that a crime free addendum be <br />considered as well as a gate with a card to get into the complex. <br />SGF representatives noted that the additional security cameras would address many of <br />those concerns. <br />Lucille Spaulding of 1124 North Meade Street stated that as a member of the <br />neighborhood association that perceptions do affect the community. Neighbors on <br />Sheridan are fearful and that she attends crime watch meetings monthly. <br />Pastor Hardie Blake, Jr., of 144 North Summit stated that he works at Ardmore Chrucke <br />and Project Impact and suggested that Beacon Heights work with "Mothers Against <br />Poverty" and "Men of Scars". Programs of this type are wanting to build relationships if <br />they have access to create relationships to transform lives. <br />Karen Lisenko, Regional Property Manager for Northern Indiana for SGF Management, <br />Inc. stated that if they allowed Pastor Blake in to go door to door that they would be <br />required to let in others. Their policy permits brochures to be distributed and that meetings <br />could be held in common areas. <br />Council Member White thanked everyone for coming to today's meeting which she stated <br />was very constructive. By collaborating together on ideas and ways to reach residents, <br />positive results can be pursued. She stated that she believes today was an excellent <br />beginning to build community, trust and confidence. Another meeting will be called to <br />continue discussions in the next few weeks. Council Member White then adjourned the <br />Committee meeting at 6:43 p.m. <br />Res ully submitted, <br />GC ~u-.-~ -G~! C <br />Council Member Karen L. White, Chairperson <br />Health and Public Safety Committee <br />Attachments: <br />1. Meeting Notice of February 9, 2009 <br />2. Attendance Sheet <br />3. Agenda <br />4. 8-page "Model Lease for Subsidized Programs" (OMB Approved) <br />5. 24-page SGF Management, Inc. House Rules <br />