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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 25,2013 <br /> REPORTS FROM AREA PLAN COMMISSION <br /> BILL NO. 61-13 REZONING—736 CALIFORNIA AND 906, 908,910 PORTAGE AVE. <br /> BILL NO. 62-13 REZONING—605, 613, 617, 621 NOTRE DAME AVE AND 823 <br /> SORIN ST. <br /> Councilmember Varner made a motion to refer these bills to the Zoning& Annexation <br /> Committee and set them for Public Hearing and Third Reading on January 13, 2014. <br /> Councilmember White seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of seven (7) ayes. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr. asked the administration with the purchase of the smart trucks <br /> for removal of yard waste, will people be losing their jobs? <br /> Kathryn Roos, Chief of Staff to Mayor Pete Buttigieg advised that she will have to check with <br /> Public Works Director Eric Horvath and get back to Councilmember Davis. <br /> PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br /> Christopher Huff, 1831 College Street, South Bend, Indiana: Nice to see you again. This past <br /> summer this Council considered a special use permit change in order allow the establishment of <br /> gasoline pumps at an existing convenience store on West Western Avenue. I happened to be <br /> here not specifically here for that but I over sought that entire process. It appeared to me that it <br /> went on for at least a month and half here before the Council. Ok, that's fine, I'm not up here <br /> criticizing the decision that is between basically the neighbors and the Council and certainly the <br /> Mayor. What I am up here to talk about for a moment is the way it was presented. I have been a <br /> practicing planner since February 1, 1977, ladies and gentlemen, the 13 years that I spent in <br /> Mishawaka, if I had heard this once, I heard it ten thousand times, and it basically boils down to <br /> this: that until the idiots in the County-City Building are gone they would never develop, they <br /> would never invest, they would never do anything within the City of South Bend. For years I <br /> ignored that, I thought it was ridiculous, until I saw what happened this past summer. It's stuck <br /> in my throat here for several months now and it boils down to this: when you got professional <br /> staff that we pay for on the 11th floor coming and making a recommendation to this Council, <br /> which they are paid to do and it was in the affirmative. And at the last hour, essentially the 11th <br /> hour, a month and half later, you've got that same planning organization making <br /> recommendation to the Council affirmative. And then literally the last person to make comment <br /> on that issue at this very lectern right here, another one of our paid staff members from the 11th <br /> floor,but unfortunately or fortunately or whatever happened to be in a different organizational <br /> office which was counter or completely the opposite of what was recommended before. I have <br /> never seen a more or better example of bad public management in my entire life. This does <br /> nothing more than indicate to me that those people who made those statements to me for years <br /> were right, because nobody knows who's on first, second or third, I bring this to your attention, I <br /> think you know what the situation is, I mentioned it to the Mayor when I had his ear a few <br /> minutes ago,this has got to change. This has got to change, that was the most egregious <br /> example I have ever seen. Any staff member of mine before would have been booted for doing <br /> anything like that. <br /> Sam Brown, P. O. Box 1976, South Bend, Indiana, representing Citizen's United for a Better <br /> Government: Keep working Council, you are doing a good job looking out for the public. The <br /> 14th Floor has excuses and beats up on the Council for doing their job. When you are not doing <br /> your job it will come back to haunt you, the public will have the final say. <br /> 33 <br />