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Bill 15-100 was next. This bill spelled out the City's required fiscal plan for providing services to the <br /> parcel identified in bill 50-15. <br /> Mike Divita from Community Investment explained the fiscal plan. <br /> After a clarification question from Derek Dieter, Henry repeated that the bill would be forwarded <br /> without recommendation. <br /> Bill 69-15 was next. This bill initiated by the City would add to the Municipal Code charges related to the <br /> development plan application process. <br /> Corbett Kerr, City Engineer, made the presentation. He explained that the proposed fees would help <br /> cover the expense of processing and inspecting applications coming before the BPW. Corbett explained <br /> that the fee, previously absent, would help cover the costs of the Public Works Department. He <br /> maintained that the fees were fair, reasonable, and appropriate. Again, after brief discussion,the bill <br /> was forwarded without recommendation. <br /> Bill 70-15, last on the agenda, was meant to adopt recent federal guidelines for flood plains. <br /> Matt Chappuies from Area Plan presented the bill. He said the Federal Emergency Management Agency <br /> (FEMA) had made a number of changes to the Model Floodplain Ordinance requesting communities that <br /> participate in the National Flood Plain Insurance Program adopt these changes. Matt explained most <br /> changes were definitional intending to broaden and clarify existing definitions. It did not represent any <br /> substantive changes in flood plain areas. <br /> Council questions, specifically from Dr. David Varner were looking for assurance that citizens in flood <br /> plain areas would not be negatively impacted. He was told there were not any hidden surprises in the <br /> FEMA model ordinance. Matt added that the Area Plan Commission had recommended the changes <br /> favorably. <br /> Ayoke Paek from the Building Department and Angela Smith from Area Plan were present to answer <br /> questions. <br /> This bill, like others, was forwarded without recommendation. <br /> Henry Davis adjourned the meeting at 4:00 P.M. <br /> Respectf bmitted, <br /> S . <br /> H.�ry Davis Jr,Vice-Chairperson <br /> Zoning&Annexation Committee <br /> 2 <br />