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19. William Johnson, No address — Start new with the neighborhood on the plan, need <br />transparency so we can help. Need to more forward. <br />20. Vera Crayton 305 S. Lake St. wants to give her 3 minutes to Wendall Johnson. Mr. <br />Johnson talked about a greater growth of the Hispanic community, wants both the black <br />and Hispanic communities to meet. Talked about the dividing line of Western Ave. Need <br />a more solid plan. <br />Comments from Council <br />Tim Scott — Appreciate the feedback from the public. We owe you answers. The City <br />should take the plan and highlight where the questions are answered. <br />Karen White — Use to live on Kenmore and understands about needing safe clean <br />neighborhoods and basic city services. The questions brought today will be answered <br />by next Friday by the latest by the administration since they are not here today. I am in <br />with the people for the long haul. We are all part of this community and have the <br />responsible to be doing our very best. That is my commitment. <br />Henry Davis — Thanked the citizens for participating. The plan was formed by the <br />administration and not by the council on the 4th floor. Council is the citizen's advocacy <br />voice. He was involved with getting money for the corridors and here we are. Also <br />mentioned a meeting the 2nd council meeting in July on assessments from the <br />Assessor's office. <br />Gavin Ferlic — Thanked everyone for coming and said if anyone had any other <br />questions for councilmembers they could ask after the meeting. <br />Councilman Gavin Ferlic adjourned the meeting at 6:22pm. <br />Gavin Ferlic, Chairperson Community Investment <br />Karen L. White, Chairperson Community Relations <br />