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7. Regina Williams- Preston, 838 N. Elmer St. Thinks Code Enforcement has cited <br />many more houses that they used to in the neighborhood. Wonders if this is a way for <br />the City to acquire property. Wants to know if the City purchased about 100 houses at <br />the tax sale? Be more upfront with answers and how are they going to get these <br />questions answered? <br />8. Arthur Kelly, 758 S. Albert, Why do you have to revitalize right now? Is there grant <br />money involved that you might lose? Do we have to rush? <br />9. Carolyn Archie, 238 N. Wellington What are you doing on Jefferson by Washington? <br />Why 71 houses in this area? Use the money for curbs in the neighborhoods. Is the City <br />going to prohibit double lots like she has? <br />10. Gail Brodie, 114 S. Lake, Unhappy with the whole plan. Nothing is in this plan that <br />the neighbors want. What if someone wants to sell their house and others don't? What <br />happens to the property of the ones that have been sold? <br />11. Florine Jennings, 110 S. Lake St. She is also unhappy with the whole plan. Sees <br />only Hispanic culture on Western Ave. No lots being cut, big groundhogs. Who is paying <br />for uncut city lots? <br />12. Denise Johnson, 218 S. Liberty St. How is the city going to address and <br />incorporate our concerns into the plan? <br />13. Did not get name, Olive St. Need more notice about meetings. <br />14. Marvin Crayton, 305 S. Lake St. What happens with Lake St. and eminent domain? <br />He said he it will cost if they want his house. He will want equivalent land to build on. <br />15. Tony Trinca, 139 Camden He said three or so year ago he was asked by someone <br />from the City what his plans for his vacant lots are. He said I own the lots I maintain the <br />lots I think of them as my lawn. He said now his taxes for his lots have been doubled? <br />Why have they been doubled? <br />16. Curtis Leonard, 122 Lake St. Are you buying properties in the area? People don't <br />want new mortgages. <br />17. Pastor Batteast Pastor of Church on 141 Camden, Never noticed a plan for the <br />LaSalle Area before. Why Western Ave. now? Clean it up first. When is the city going <br />to take vacant lots and build new houses? <br />18. Wendall Johnson 305 Falcon St. He said they had tried at one point with a <br />Western Ave. Steering committee to address the needs of the citizens. No citizen input, <br />city has consistently ignored this area. City has failed to address the needs of the <br />citizens. Does the city think our residents' concerns are not legitimate? They are! <br />