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Phil St. Clair says it's his job to follow the ordinance. <br />Derek asked if they cite 700 to 800 and then take down 100 trees per year. How many <br />not paying? 7 out of 10 not paying and sent to collections. They receive about 30% of <br />collections. <br />Karen asked if they had looked into how other cities have handled their tree problems? <br />Phil replied that would be up to the city administration to look into. <br />Gavin is worried that even $.80 on a water bill is still asking too much with the fact that <br />The bill itself has so much on it. And CSO expenses will be added still. Wants to keep <br />the water bill attractive to new businesses relocating. He also mentioned he thought it <br />was a very sympathetic payment program. <br />Dr. Ferlic said the problem needs to be addressed. Phil has no budget to handle this <br />problem. We need to comp with a solution. 26% trees for an urban canopy and 40% <br />according to the Audubon society. <br />Karen White suggested another PARC committee meeting with the administration with <br />facts and info. <br />Doc Ferlic said he would set a meeting up. <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic adjourned the meeting at 5:20pm <br />r <br />Respectively submitted <br />Dr. Fred. Ferlic, Chairperson <br />PARCS committee <br />