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PARC COMMITTEE November 24, 2014 4:45 p.m. <br />Committee Members Present: Dr. Fred Ferlic, Derek Dieter, Tim Scott <br />(Absent), Henry (Absent) <br />Other Council Present: Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, Dr. David Varner, <br />Valerie Schey, Oliver Davis (Absent) <br />Others Present: Phil St. Clair, Brent Thompson, Larry Clifford <br />citizen member, Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, <br />Janice Talboom, Media <br />Dr. Ferlic called the meeting to order. He spoke about the fact of the trees being an issue <br />due to the emerald ash borer which is affecting 6 percent of all of the City's trees. The <br />issue now is who is responsible for the trees that are diseased. The homeowner, the <br />City, combination of both? Will there have to be a surcharge on the water bill, TIF funds <br />used? <br />Phil and Brent joined the committee at the table. Sections of the South Bend Municipal <br />Code book were handed out. (attachment). The tree lawn becomes the homeowners <br />responsibility when they buy the property. The City Forester is there to see the ordinance <br />is followed. Brent does inspection and receives calls from the public about safety. <br />Phil said 30 to 40% of the ash trees have been taken down. 800ish will still have to be <br />removed. Also some maples trees need to come down too. All are responsibility of the <br />homeowner. Most of the homeowners have been cooperative. A lot of the Ash trees are <br />in the Colfax, Washington, Bissell and Queen areas. <br />Val Schey said there was no funding this year in the budget for tree removal. Said <br />sidewalks in her district are buckled so its hard to talk sidewalk replacement and not <br />discuss the tree removal process. She hopes next year to find money in the budget for <br />tree maintenance. <br />Dr. Ferlic asked how much per tree. $300.00 per tree up to 2000.00. For a good sized <br />tree it would be $800.00 to $100.00 for city cost. $200.00 for stump removal. Replanting <br />would be $220.00 per tree. <br />Larry Clifford, citizen member says the right of way is the tree lawn and should not be the <br />homeowners responsibility. <br />Dr. Varner said we need a plan. 500 to 550 trees removed per year, 100 by the parks <br />department, don't allow trees to be replanted in the tree lawn? $500,000 a year to remove <br />trees, it seems we should be able to find the money somewhere in the budget, not from <br />the homeowner. It would seem we could find a solution. <br />