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or after solicitation to make someone fear for their safety. Cannot panhandle with more <br />than 1 person, cannot follow a person after they have declined to make a donation. <br />Under the state statute panhandlers can hold a sign that says "Give me money, I am <br />cold and starving" etc. as long as they don't say the words. <br />Public Intoxication is a Class B misdemeanor, maximum sentence, 180 days in jail, up <br />to a $1,000 fine. A person would have to be in a public place or place of public resort in <br />a state of intoxication by the use of alcohol or a controlled substance and endangering <br />the person's life, endanger the life of others, breaches the peace or is in imminent <br />danger of breaching the peace. Law enforcement officers may not take a person into <br />custody for public intoxication or minor consuming, etc. If that person has requested <br />emergency medical assistance for themselves or another person. <br />Questions <br />Mr. Emory — He says he has heard people come here to panhandle from Chicago <br />because it is safer here. No arrests. <br />Dr. Ferlic- How did the Mayor of New York get rid of the squeegee people. Amy replied <br />she only practices law here not in New York. <br />So if someone is drunk at a ND game and they are in the parking lot they can't be <br />arrested? Depends on the conduct. <br />Oliver Davis- How does this affect the busking ordinance the council has passed. <br />Again singing and performing are allowed as long as you don't ask for money. <br />Henry Davis, Jr. Why the spike in panhandlings, why are we talking about this now? <br />Are we getting reports on it? <br />Derek Dieter responded that he has received several calls about it and thought we <br />could get some updates on the quality of life ordinances and how they are working. <br />Susan Moore — How does this apply to private property. Such as a lady begging for <br />food then throwing any food behind the Brendan Hill sign. To prosecute has to be on <br />public property, Need trespassing signs for private property. <br />Jack Smith — What about knocking on you door with a trimmer asking to trim your trees <br />for money. Not trespassing unless you ask them to leave and they don't or are <br />threatening you with trimmers <br />Steve S. He has people coming in at night and asking for free pizza. This is public <br />property and he should call the police. <br />Derek Dieter adjourned the meeting at 4:46 <br />