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Health & Public Safety Committee November 10, 2014 <br />Committee Members Present Derek, Dieter, Tim Scott, Henry Davis Jr., <br />Dr. Fred Ferlic <br />Other Council Present Karen White, Oliver Davis, Dr. David Varner, <br />Valerie Schey, Gavin Ferlic <br />Others Present Patrick Mullen, Amy Cressy, Media, <br />Paul Singleton, Tasha Outlaw, Mr. Emory, <br />Kathryn Roos, Brian Pawlowski, Keenan Lane <br />4:05pm Bill 59 -14 — Amend Sec. 6 -37.1 Municipal Code Addressing Vacant <br />Building maintenance /registration <br />This bill was continued to the December 8"' meeting. <br />Bill 60 -14 — Amending various sections of article 12 of chapter 13 <br />addressing chronic problem property regulations <br />Tim Scott presented the bill. He said the bill would make some language changes to <br />the present ordinance. The ordinance was working well. The change would be on the <br />ownership part. Instead of an owner of a whole complex, the person leases or renting <br />would be fined for a chronic nuisance. <br />Henry wanted to know why has it come up now, why the change. Tim explained that <br />the subject came up with a complex and it was decided the ordinance needed to be <br />tweaked. Henry said he agreed he wanted to make sure that the individual causing the <br />nuisance was being fined and not necessarily the owner of a complex. <br />Bill 60 -14 was voted to move forward to council favorably. <br />Update on quality of life issue - Panhandling. <br />Amy Cressy from the St. Joseph County Prosecutors' office made the power point <br />presentation. (Copy attached) <br />Panhandling is a Class C Misdemeanor the maximum sentence is 60 days in jail and up <br />to a $500.00 fine. Panhandling is not illegal if someone is passively standing, sitting or <br />performing with a sign asking for a donation. Only illegal if someone is asking orally for <br />money for a performance or singing, etc. You cannot panhandle after sunset or before <br />sunrise. Not at a bus stop, in a vehicle, sidewalk dining area of a restaurant, within 20 <br />feet of an ATM or entrance to a bank, cannot approach a person waiting in line to enter <br />an establishment. Can't approach a vehicle stopped in traffic unless the person has <br />approval by a unit of local government. Cannot touch a person without consent, block <br />passage to building or motor vehicle, no profane or abusive language or gestures during <br />