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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br />be sat down and discussed through labor management sessions and try to find some kind <br />of way to do this. There are a lot of bright officers and citizens in this city that could <br />come up with some good ideas. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis stated that he was a part of the negotiating team, but was <br />never able to make any sessions. He has a regular 9-5 that he has to show up at everyday, <br />so he wasn’t able to come. But he kept abreast of what was going on during the <br />negotiations because of the notes and the Council talking and people talking to people <br />and different kinds of things that they do as Councilmember’s. He stated that he echoed <br />the sentiments about being able to become himself or a public servant. But more than <br />half of the time he thinks to himself that is what he signed up for. He stated that when he <br />nd <br />ran for office, he ran to become 2 District City Councilmen. He stated that’s what he <br />wanted to be the City Councilmen, so he really doesn’t get a break. He stated that he <br />could be at Franky’s Barbeque or at Wal-Mart and someone comes up to him and says <br />hey Henry can you do this or do that. He stated that he can’t say no or say don’t talk to <br />me because I am with my family. He stated that he gives them a card and tell them to <br />call him or try taking care of the problem at hand. But again he stated that he <br />understands that a police officer doesn’t get a break either. This is what was signed up <br />for, being public servants, civil servants and there is really no way around it. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis stated that he had a question about the safe neighborhood <br />program by that being something great for a community and building a community, when <br />you have more pastors living in a neighborhood when you have more police officers, <br />more firemen, you know that tends to trickle down to the children because then they want <br />to become more like you and see what you do. They basically want to basically mirror <br />the images that they see on a daily basis. He stated that he has to continually think about <br />the times being out in the City of South Bend and would just sometimes just pull a police <br />officer’s over and ask how he is doing or ask what is going on and introduce himself. He <br />does that more with a lot of officer’s that don’t necessarily look like him. What is being <br />done as far as negotiations and working with a budget and minority recruitment? Getting <br />more African American Police Officers whether they are male or female and how is that <br />nd <br />working for us? Because the 2 District has a lot of officers who are not African <br />American, actually none that he has seen since he has been here. He stated that he thinks <br />Chuck Stokes who lives right around the corner from him and that is not his beat, he is <br />somewhere else, but again his car is parked out in front of his house, so again he lives in <br />a safe neighborhood program right. So what is the City doing to attract and retain <br />African American as police officers. <br /> <br />Mr. Ruszkowski stated that he does not and won’t speak on behalf of the Chief Boykins, <br />however, he is aware of some different type of program since he has taken over in <br />January and of course as always they are willing to sit down and what ever they can <br />throw in two cents or more to do that they will. And that is not just for minority hiring, <br />minority recruiting or anything; they have plenty of officers who are out there all of the <br />time. The problem that the officers have now is and the Council if fully aware of this is <br />that how as police officers or firefighters for that matter who used to be the role models <br />when we were all kids how do you compete now with the easy buck. With the millions <br />of dollars that the athletes are making when in reality very, very few are going to make to <br />that level. When you don’t need that type of display to be a police officer, you have to <br />have a good heart, honesty, things of that nature, things that we were brought up with and <br />kids should be brought up with. The problem is how do you compete, how do you <br />compete with a drug dealer offering a kid $500 bucks cash to ride his bike and be on the <br />look out for police. Instant money and then try to explain why a police officer has to <br />work two, three, four part-time jobs and how they have to sit for three months in <br />negotiations with Councilmember’s and the City of South Bend or what ever the case <br />maybe to try to make ends meet. This isn’t a woe me story, this is reality. How do you <br />compete with that? If any Councilmember can give an answer to that, the FOP is very <br />receptive to that. One thing that he wanted to comment on is and with all due respect is <br />that trying to distinguish from being a Councilmember versus a Police Officer is that <br />when a Councilmember gets stopped wherever you are it’s a lot different than when a <br />police officer gets stopped wherever they are because 24 hours earlier, that officer may <br />have arrested that person now that person wants to kill him. There is a big difference! <br /> <br /> 8 <br /> <br />