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recommendation. There was not a second. Valerie Schey moved to send favorably, Gavin seconded and <br />all agreed except Henry. Both bills were sent favorably in this manner. <br />Moving next to bill 15 -14, Gavin recognized Jitin Kain from Community Investment to make the <br />presentation. Jitin explained the need for the Council again to designate an area at Hill and Colfax as <br />eligible for abatement. The contingent proposal was, one to build a new apartment building on the site. <br />The prospect of an abatement was seen vital to the developer going ahead. <br />On a motion by Valerie Schey, seconded by Gavin Ferlic and this time affirmed by all, the bill was sent to <br />full Council favorably. <br />The final bill 14 -17, was a request to approve a 10 year tax abatement for Noble Americas South Bend <br />Ethanol LLC. <br />Gavin noted a letter from the petitioner had been received asking Council consideration be delayed until <br />March 24, 2014. <br />On a motion by Valerie Schey, seconded by Henry Davis and agreed to by all, the bill was continued until <br />March 24, 2014. <br />Gavin adjourned the meeting at 3:57 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />G% <br />Gavin Ferlic, Chairperson, <br />Community Investment Commission <br />