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COMMUNITY INVESTMENT MARCH 10, 2014 3:30 P.M. <br />Committee Present: Gavin Ferlic, Valerie Schey, Henry Davis, Derek Dieter <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Dr. David Varner, Oliver Davis, Karen White <br />Others Present: Scott Ford, Jitin Kain, Cecil Eastman, John Murphy, Eric Segal, Don Fozo, <br />Brad Toothaker, Rich Deahl, Chris Fielding, John Voorde <br />Agenda: 1. Bill No. 15 -14 Approving Resolution South Bend Economic <br />Development Commission, Target Area (Hill & Colfax) <br />2. Bill No. 16 -14 Approving Resolution South Bend Economic <br />Development Commission, Target Area (LaSalle Hotel) <br />3. Bill No. 14 -18 Designating Abatement (10 Yrs.) <br />237 N. Michigan St. —Great Lakes Development <br />4. Bill No. 14 -17 Designating Abatement (10 Yrs.) <br />Noble Americas South Bend Ethanol LLC. <br />Gavin Ferlic, Community Investment Committee Chair, with a quorum present opened the meeting <br />recognizing Scott Ford, Director of Community Investment Department. Scott addressed the Committee <br />asking if bills 16 -14 and 14 -18, both dealing with the LaSalle Hotel project could be presented and <br />considered together. Gavin granted permission. Scott briefly described the project describing it as a <br />complicated public /private collaboration to restore the LaSalle to an apartment building having 59 units <br />and commercial /retail space on the first two floors. He said the City owned property vacant for 10 years <br />and underutilized for two decades before that now could be returned to the tax rolls, continuing recent <br />investment momentum in the Central Business District. Part of the public /private collaboration was the <br />agreement by the City to offer a tax abatement. To do a abatement the Council was being asked on bill <br />16 -14 to approve the LaSalle site as eligible for abatement. Bill 14 -18 would follow asking Council's <br />approval of a 10 year abatement schedule tailored to be the project. <br />The project and process involved was described in detail by Rich Deahl, an Attorney representing the <br />developer, Great Lakes Development. Further details were provided by Brad Toothaker, the principal of <br />Great Lakes. Basically the $9 million dollar project would ask the City to contribute $1.8 million dollars <br />to the project. The benefit to the City would be the re -use of significant downtown building, jobs to <br />repurpose the building, jobs to service the building and additional assessed value among others. <br />In the public portion, Eric Segal, Carol Davis and Don Fozo spoke urging Council approval. <br />During the Council portion Henry Davis asked whether the jobs created would use local labor. Brad <br />Toothaker pledged 75% of the project would be local. Not quite satisfied, Henry moved for no <br />