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introduction of iPads, the council informal committee room and formal committee room were <br />upgraded with Apple TV to allow for wireless presentations from iPads of those presenting to <br />the council and public. <br />April 4, 2013 The IT Committee held a public meeting to hear of updates of the WNIT Public <br />Access Channel. According to Angel Hernandez, Program Director of WNIT, the channel is up <br />and running. Sometimes they are challenged with programs, but all in aired. There is an issue <br />with the broadcast of the Common Council meetings. The camera and sound system for the <br />Council Chambers are of lower quality and the streaming is an issue. No real time view is <br />happening due to the technology constraints. Clerk John Voorde is investigating improvements <br />in the technology and upgrade the live streaming. No action took place on this in 2013, there is <br />hope for new technology in 2014. <br />1 also want to thank my Council colleagues for their input and guidance during this first year. <br />Thank you to Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, John Voorde, Mary Beth Wisniewski and Janice <br />Talboom for their support. Thank you to all the City Department heads and personnel that came <br />and contributed to this committee and for sharing their acknowledgement and experience so we <br />can be informed and make the best decisions for the all within the City of South Bend. <br />Thank you. <br />Respectfully Submitted <br />Tim Scott <br />Residential Neighlibrhoo5ommittee Chairperson <br />1 st District Council Member <br />Filed in Clerk;e Ofll �L <br />i <br />Cr H 2 � ;.ti13 <br />JOHN <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IN <br />