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The South Bend Common Council Annual Report for the Information Technology Committee <br />Date: 12/24/2013 <br />To: The South Bend Common Council, The Office of the Clerk <br />From: Tim Scott, 1st District Common Council Representative - Chairperson <br />I am pleased to file this 2013 Annual Report of the Council Information & Technology in order to <br />comply with Section 2 -10 (i) of the South Bend Municipal Code; which Code provision requires <br />all Standing Committee Chairpersons to file an Annual Report with the Office of the City Clerk <br />by the 2nd Monday of December. <br />Duties: <br />The Council Information & Technology Committee oversees the various activities related to the <br />dissemination of Information & the implementation of Technology for the improvement of the <br />Council, the City and how its Citizens access information and communicate with the City. <br />2013 Committee Members <br />Dr. Dave Varner - Vice Chairperson, 5th District Common Council <br />Gavin Ferlic, - At -Large Common Council <br />Henry Davis, Jr., 2nd District Common Council <br />Committee Meetings and Highlights: <br />To date the IT Committee met three times in 2013 and held public hearings on the following <br />issues: <br />February 4, 2013. At this meeting the council received training on their Pads. The council <br />members present were trained on getting email and downloading the meeting packets and how <br />to do more with less paper. To date 6 council members use their Pads on a consistent basis. <br />This report was prepared on my council Pad. <br />This report was written on my Council Pad. <br />March 6, 2013 the IT Committee kicked off the year discussing any legislative issues around IT <br />issues for the city. The committee also collaborated with Keith Crain, City Information & <br />Technology Director about how IT can better serve the Council as well as Citizens access to the <br />city. Crain announce the IT department would develop a master plan for the city's IT department <br />as it moves through 2013 and beyond. The goal was to have policies and procedures in place <br />for the future of the city. <br />In the kick off meeting it was discussed the future of Laser Fishce, its cost and return as well as <br />limitations and the possible need for upgrades to the city's public data offered through the Laser <br />Fishce program. The Committee discussed the need for IT improvements in Code. Also, it was <br />discussed the budgetary costs for improvements. As Chair I stressed the need for more time <br />and money within the budget to train city personnel on programs and how to improve through IT <br />education and implementation. <br />Through the IT committee Pads were distributed to each Council Members for official use. The <br />intent to reduce paper by using electronic files and well as newer technology. With the <br />