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Persons responsible for an animal shall immediately remove the animal's excrement from public lands or from the <br />property of another, excepting a person working with a certified service dog. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.018 LIVESTOCK. <br />No person shall keep livestock in the city limits unless permitted by and in full compliance with Chapter 5 of this code. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />Sec. 5.0181 Urban chicken regulations. <br />(a) "Urban Chicken" means a chicken living in the city limits officially known as gallus domesticus, which is a domestic <br />bird. It does not include other fowl, such as, but not limited to roosters, peacocks, turkeys or waterfowl. Urban <br />chickens are governed by the zoning regulations set forth in Section 21-02.11 of this Code addressing Residential <br />District zoning regulations. <br />(b) "Chicken coop" also referred to as chicken pen means an enclosure or enclosed structure used for housing urban <br />chickens which provides shelter from the elements which must meet the standards set forth in Section 21-02.11 of <br />this Code. <br />(c) "Chicken flock" means more than one (1) urban chicken which: <br />(1) Contains no more than six (6) hens and no roosters; and <br />(2) Is issued a permit pursuant to Section 21-02.11 of this Code. <br />(d) "Chicken pen" means an enclosure that must meet the standards set forth in Section 21-02.11 of this Code. <br />(e) <br />Anyone desiring to raise urban chickens within the city limits must file an application for an Urban Chicken Permit <br />with the Division of Animal Care and Control in the Department of Code Enforcement and pay an annual filing fee of <br />twenty dollars ($20.00), if provisions for the chickens are deemed acceptable after inspection by the Division of <br />Animal Care and Control and the application is approved. If the application is approved, the owner/harborer of the <br />chickens will receive a durable metal tag, which must be affixed in plain view to the chicken coop. At the end of each <br />calendar quarter, the Division of Animal Care and Control shall provide to the Office of the City Clerk an electronic <br />report summarizing: the residential street location, number of urban chickens at each such location, size of the <br />chicken coop and size of the chicken pen for each location which has been issued such a permit. The Division of <br />Animal Care and Control may deny or revoke a permit to any person who has failed or refused to comply with the <br />permit requirements, who has made any fraudulent or false statement or material representation in the permit <br />application or in connection with the keeping of urban chickens, who has violated a state or any provision of this <br />Code in connection with the application or keeping of urban chickens or who has kept urban chickens or other <br />animals in such a manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or a menace to the health, safety or welfare of the <br />public. Upon denial or revocation of a permit, the Law Department shall provide notice to the permit applicant or <br /> <br />holder and shall provide for a written appeal and hearing pursuant to the procedures in Section 4-16 of this Code. <br />(f) Anyone desiring to raise urban chickens within the city limits must comply with the animal care regulations set <br />forth in this Chapter 5, and the requirements applicable to chickens incorporated into Chapter 21 of this Code. <br />(g) The Department of Code Enforcement shall be responsible for the enforcement of this section. The Department of <br />Code Enforcement shall also comply with the duties set forth in Subsection 5-49(d) of this Code in carrying out the <br />duties set forth in this Section which require the filing of a summary list of all warning notices and citations issued <br />by the last Friday of each month with the Law Department the Chairperson of the Health and Public Safety <br />Committee, the Chairperson of the Residential Neighborhoods Committee, the Office of the City Clerk, and the <br />Animal Control Commission. <br />(Ord. No. 10213-13, § II, 1-14-13) <br />1[ <br />Section 5.0182 HONEY BEE KEEPING REGULATIONS <br />Sec. 5-50. Legislative findings. <br /> <br />