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Sec. 5-51. Definitions. <br />Sec. 5-52. Honey bee keeping public safety regulations. <br />Sec. 5-53. Compliance required; penalties. <br /> <br /> <br />Sec xxxx. Legislative findings. <br />(a) The Common Council finds that honey bees can be maintained within populated areas without causing a nuisance, <br />if honey bees are properly located, managed, and maintained. <br />(b) Honey bees are a benefit to society by pollinating flowers, gardens and trees and thereby contributing to the local <br />ecosystem; as well as furnishing honey, wax, and other useful products. <br />2 <br />(c) The regulations set forth in this Article are in the best interests of the health, safety and welfare of the city. <br />(Ord. No. 10241, § II, 7-8-13) <br />2 <br /> IC § 36-1-4-11 authorizes a city to pass, codify and enforce ordinances; and IC § 36-1-3-2 grants to cities "...all the <br />powers that they need for the effective operation of government as to local affairs". <br />Sec. xxx. Definitions. <br />As used in this Article, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the meanings set forth herein: <br />Apiary: The assembly of one (1) or more hives or colonies of honey bees at a single location. <br />Beekeeper: A person who keeps honey bees in hive(s) which meet state approved requirements. <br />Bee keeping equipment: Anything used in the operation of an apiary, such as hive bodies, supers, frames, top and <br />bottom boards and extractors. <br />City: City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />Colony: The entire honey bee family or social unit living together including the queen, workers and drones. <br />Flyway barrier: Fencing, dense hedging or a combination of the two, which provides a shield or protective barrier <br />3 <br />from the direction in which the honey bees fly when approaching or leaving a hive. <br />Hive: A frame or structure used or employed as a domicile for honey bees which meet state approved <br />requirements. <br />Honey bee: The common domestic honey bee, limited to the Apis mellifera species, specifically excluding the <br />African honey bee, Apis mellifera scutellata or Africanized honey bee, or any hybrid thereof. <br />Lot: A piece, parcel, plot or tract of land designated by its owner or developer to be used, developed or built upon <br />as a unit under single ownership or control and may consist of: <br />(1) A single lot or record; or <br />4 <br />(2) A combination of complete lots of record. <br />(Ord. No. 10241, § II, 7-8-13) <br />3 <br /> Flyway barriers assist in deterring honey bees from contact with humans and domesticated animals. <br />4 <br /> South Bend Municipal Code § 21-11.02 sets forth the zoning definition for "lot". <br /> <br />