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(3.)The permit holder does not need to obtain individual permits in the aforementioned areas, but all requirements <br /> <br />for each of the aforementioned permits shall be met before the Omnibus Permit may be granted. Animals <br />owned as personal pets by the business owner or resident will not be considered registered under this permit. <br />(i) All permits will be issued after inspection approved by the Department of Animal Control, provided all requirements <br />of this chapter are met. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.053 APPEAL; RE-INSPECTION; DENIAL OR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. <br />(a) Any person who is denied a permit or whose permit is revoked may appeal the denial or revocation in accordance <br />with this section within 60 days of the date of the denial or revocation of the permit. <br />(b) The permit holder may request a re-inspection for permit reinstatement based on compliance or may appeal the <br />SBACC revocation. All requests for appeals must be in writing and addressed to the Director; whereupon, the Director <br />shall set the appeal for hearing within 45 days of the receipt of the written request. <br />(c) Upon re-inspection by SBACC following an appeal, a permit reinstatement fee of $50 will be required prior to <br />reopening. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) <br />§ 5.054 KENNEL/CATTERY PERMITS. <br />(a) Any person owning or harboring more than one unaltered dog or one unaltered cat over the age of six months must <br />apply for a kennel/cattery permit. <br />(1.)A resident exceeding one intact animal on the property may apply for a residential kennel permit. Applications <br /> <br />will be followed by an inspection prior to issuance of the permit. Permits are valid for one year from date of <br />issue and are the residential kennel permit holder's responsibility to renew. Residential kennel permits require <br />eligibility and may be refused or revoked for cause. <br />a.Initial application eligibility requires no more than three unaltered pets, no outdoor housing in the <br /> <br />absence of the owner, suitable exercise space for the breed and number owned, no history of violations <br />with SBACC, and all animals current on vaccinations. <br />b.Cause for revocation may include but is not limited to: animals running at large, substantiated <br /> <br />neighborhood nuisance complaints, failure to maintain current permits, breeding without a breeders <br />permit and failing to maintain current rabies vaccine status. <br />(b) Any person engaging in boarding dogs or cats for compensation must apply for a kennel/ cattery permit. <br />(c) Grandfather Clause. Animals owned or harbored and exceeding the ownership limits of this section at the time of <br />passage of this law may be registered with the Department of Animal Control within 120 days of passage to be <br />exempted from ownership limits. Animals owned or harbored in excess of these limits and not registered within this <br />time frame will not be considered exempt. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.055 MAJOR BREEDERS PERMIT. <br />(a) A major breeder's permit shall be obtained by: <br />(1.)Any person who intentionally causes the breeding of more than one cat or dog or makes more than one cat or <br /> <br />dog available for breeding purposes in a 12-month period; or <br />(2.)Any person who offers for sale, sells, trades, receives other compensation or gives away more than one litter of <br /> <br />dogs or cats in a 12-month period; excepting a litter of dogs or cats taken to the Department of Animal Control; <br />(b) And such person shall: <br />(1.)Not allow the birthing of more than one litter per female dog or cat in a 12-month period; and <br /> <br /> <br />