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d.A medical condition or any other condition governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). <br /> <br />(7.)Senior citizen exemption. Any cat or dog owner 62 years of age or older who owns an altered animal may <br /> <br />receive his or her annual registration free of charge. However, if the animal of any such person has not been <br />spayed or neutered, the person who is 62 or more years of age shall pay the same permit fee and be subject to <br />the above pet registration fees and charges as otherwise required for any animal. <br />(b) Residential and Commercial Kennel/Cattery Permits. All of the following permits must be obtained and will be <br />reissued annually and all tags for animals registered under any permit will be issued with the permit. <br />(1.)Residential Kennel/Cattery Permit. <br /> <br />Comment [MF2]: <br />Brad please provide examples <br />of what this would be? <br />a.0 – 1 Unaltered - will require no special permitting other than city pet registration <br /> <br />b.2 – 3 Unaltered - $300.00 (All tags/individual animal registrations included.) <br /> <br />(2.)Commercial Kennel/Cattery (Based on declared capacity at business and requires zoning approval) <br /> <br />a.6 - 15 dogs/cats - $150.00 <br /> <br />b.16 - 25 dogs/cats - $200.00 <br /> <br />c.26 or more dogs/cats - $250.00 <br /> <br />d.Each animal owned by the permit holder will be individually registered with the city; animals owned by <br /> <br />clients of a boarding business will be registered by the permit holder's clients. <br />(c) Grooming Shop Permit. <br />(1.)Fee - $100 <br /> <br />(d) Major Breeder's Permit. <br />(1.)Fee - $200 plus any applicable kennel/cattery permit fee <br /> <br />(e) Minor Breeder's Permit. <br />(1.)Any owner or person having custody of a dog or cat which has been neutered within ten weeks after giving birth <br /> <br />to a litter or who turns the adult dog or cat over to the Department of Animal Control within ten weeks from the <br />birth date of the litter, will be required to purchase a Minor Breeder Permit at the rate of $10. <br />(2.)Any owner or person having custody of a dog or cat that has delivered a litter, who chooses not to relinquish the <br /> <br />animal to the Department of Animal Control and also chooses not to have the animal neutered, will be required <br />to purchase a Minor Breeder Permit at the rate of $100. <br />(3.)Plus any applicable kennel/cattery permit fee. <br /> <br />(f) Pet Shop Permit. <br />(1.)Fee for shop selling animals with the exception of unaltered cats and dogs of any age - $250 <br /> <br />(2.)Fee for shop selling animals including unaltered cats and dogs of any age - $500 <br /> <br />(g) Circus, Animal Concession, Animal Event, and Commercial Animal Exhibit Permits. <br />(1.)Fee - $100 <br /> <br />(2.)Permits are to be issued for a term of one year, commencing with the date of issuance. <br /> <br />(3.)Prior to engagements, permit holders will furnish the Department of Animal Control with a schedule of dates <br /> <br />and times of exhibits or performances so the Department of Animal Control can perform periodic inspections. <br />(h) Omnibus Permit. <br />(1.)Fee - $300 <br /> <br />(2.)This permit shall allow the holder to operate a kennel or cattery, grooming shop, or a pet shop. <br /> <br /> <br />