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The housing and rehabilitation of native wildlife on public or private land shall be by a state, and/or federally, permitted <br />or sub-permitted entity or individual. The permitted housing or shelter of wildlife for the purpose of rehabilitation or <br />rescue shall not be any less than twenty feet from neighboring property. Disease vectors such as raccoons and opossums <br />are not permitted to be rehabilitated inside South Bend City limits. <br />(g) Grandfather clause. Wolf-hybrids owned or harbored under this section, at the time of passage, must be registered <br />with the Department of Animal Control within 60 days of passage and shall be exempt from this section. Wolf-hybrids <br />must have no bite history in order to be exempt. If any wolf-hybrid bites, or has previously bitten, a human or an <br />animal, the wolf-hybrid will no longer be exempt from this section. All wolf-hybrids registered under this section shall <br />be spayed or neutered and microchipped at the owner's expense prior to registration. Wolf-hybrids not registered <br />within 60 days of passage of this division will not be exempt from this section. <br /> Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) <br />§ 5.036 TRAINING METHODS. <br />No animal may be induced or encouraged to perform through the use of chemical, mechanical, electrical, or manual <br />devices in a manner which will cause or is likely to cause physical injury or suffering. <br /> (Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ <br />5.037 DESTRUCTION OF ANIMALS. <br /> <br />All animals impounded by South Bend Animal Care and Control, a public or private sheltering agency or rescue group <br />shall be killed, only when necessary and consistent with the requirements of this Act, by lethal intravenous injection of <br />sodium pentobarbital, except as follows: <br />(1) intraperitoneal injections may be used only under the direction of a licensed veterinarian, and only when intravenous <br />injection is not possible for infant animals, companion animals other than cats and dogs, or in comatose animals with <br />depressed vascular function. <br />(2) intracardiac injections may be used only when intravenous injection is not possible for animals who are completely <br />unconscious or comatose, and then only under the direction of a veterinarian. <br /> (a) No person other than a duly authorized agent of the animal control shelter may destroy any domestic animal within <br />the city limits; provided, however, this provision shall not apply to the following: <br />(1.) A licensed veterinarian, <br />(2.) A veterinary staff member under the direct supervision of a veterinarian <br />(3.) Those persons acting in immediate self- protection, <br />(b) The Department of Animal Control, other animal shelters, and/or public animal facilities which destroy animals in the <br />city, shall use only sodium pentobarbital or a derivative substance for said purpose. <br />(c) The duly authorized animal control agent(s) must be trained in humane procedures by a licensed veterinarian or a <br />registered veterinary technician and shall perform the destruction of animals in a humane manner as specified by the <br />AVMA’s Guidelines for Euthanasia. Said person(s) must have letter from a licensed veterinarian citing their competency <br />in humane euthanasia procedures and must be evaluated by a licensed veterinarian on a yearly basis. <br />(d) No animal's body shall be disposed of until all vital signs are checked (fixed pupil, cessation of heartbeat and <br />respiration) to assure that death has occurred. <br />(A) No animal shall be allowed to witness any other animal being killed or being tranquilized/sedated for the purpose of <br />being killed or see the bodies of animals which have already been killed. <br />(B) Animals shall be sedated/tranquilized as necessary to minimize their stress or discomfort, or in the case of vicious <br />animals, to ensure staff safety, except as follows: <br />(1) neuromuscular blocking agents shall not be used as sole agent. <br />(C) Following their injection, animals shall be lowered to the surface on which they are being held and shall not be <br />permitted to drop or otherwise collapse without support. <br /> <br />