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(Ord. XXXXXX) <br /> <br />§ 5.034 BITING ANIMALS; REPORT; PROCEDURE. <br />(a) Owner or harborer of any animal which has bitten a person or another animal must report the incident to the <br />Department of Animal Care & Control and immediately make the animal available for quarantine. Upon receiving the <br />report of a bite, Department of Animal Care & Control will quarantine the animal for 10 days with the place of <br />confinement to be in the discretion of the Department of Animal Control. During the quarantine period, the animal is to <br />be securely confined and kept from contact with any other animal or person. <br />(b) During the quarantine period, the owner must provide a current rabies vaccination certificate for his or her cat or <br />dog that is being quarantined. If proof of vaccination cannot be supplied, the animal will be vaccinated by a veterinarian <br />at the owner's expense before after release, and the owner must provide ACC with name, address and phone number of <br />the veterinarian performing the rabies vaccination, which will be verified before the animal can be released to the <br />owner . <br />(1.)If the animal is quarantined at the shelter, a microchip shall be implanted in it prior to its release from <br /> <br />quarantine. The animal shall be registered for its life with the Department of Animal Control. The cost of the <br />implant shall be at the owner's expense before release. <br />(2.)If the animal is quarantined in a place other than the shelter, as determined by the Department Of Animal <br /> <br />Control, a microchip shall be implanted in it within 30 days following the animal's release <br />from quarantine. The animal shall be registered for its life with the Department of Animal Control. The cost of <br />the implant and registry shall be at the owner's expense. <br />(3.)The microchip, used for these quarantine provisions, shall be numbered. This number will provide entry into a <br /> <br />data base that contains the animal's bite history. The microchip shall be contained in a sterilized implanting <br />device and shall be individually packaged. <br />(4.)The microchip and its corresponding registration history shall be considered prima facie evidence for any future <br /> <br />dangerous animal determination in accordance with § 5.033, dangerous animals. <br />(c) No person other than an Animal Control Officer or veterinarian shall kill or cause to be killed any animal suspected of <br />being rabid except in cases of immediate self-protection. If that occurs, the person will retain the body and immediately <br />notify the Department of Animal Control. <br />(d) Violations of these quarantine provisions shall constitute a Class A offense and may subject the responsible party to <br />civil penalties under § 5.999. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) <br />Exotic Animals and Native Wildlife <br />§ 5.035 <br />(a) No wild or exotic animal shall be kept within the city without the necessary state and/or federal permits. <br />(b) No person shall keep, shelter, harbor, buy, sell, or trade within the city a dangerous wild animal or a dangerous <br />exotic animal as defined in this chapter except as provided in division (c) below. <br />(c) This section shall not apply to permitted zoological parks or zoos, educational, or medical institutions. <br />(d) Any animal found in violation of this section may be seized immediately. <br />(e) The animal will be held in protective custody for seven calendar days to allow an owner to locate a new and <br />appropriate owner or housing for the animal outside the city limits. If no arrangements have been made in seven <br />calendar days the animal will become the property of the city and disposition may be made at that time. <br />(f) Costs. The owner of any animal, which is impounded and/or euthanized or relocated under this section, shall be held <br />responsible for payment of any expenses so incurred by the Department of Animal Control. Fees will be paid prior to <br />release or relocation of the animal. <br /> <br />