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time of such hearing, at which time he or she may present evidence as to why the animal should not be declared <br />potentially dangerous or vicious. <br />a.Such evidence may include eyewitness testimony of the incident; or <br /> <br />b.Evidence that the action of the animal and the damage sustained by the person or other animal could <br /> <br />have reasonably been expected to occur given the circumstances of the event. Such circumstances may <br />include, but are not limited to: willful trespass upon the owner/guardian's property; teasing, tormenting, <br />abusing or assaulting the animal; and/or attempted abuse or assault upon the owner/guardian. <br />(5.)The animal control commission may consider all relevant evidence, including incident reports, affidavits of <br /> <br />witnesses, photographs and/or video media, and whether the incident reasonably indicates whether or not the <br />animal in question is potentially dangerous and/or vicious in ordinary circumstances where the average person <br />could not reasonably be expected to foresee and take measures to prevent injury. <br />(6.)If the owner/guardian of the animal fails to appear at the hearing, the Animal Control Commission may find <br /> <br />owner/guardian in default, and all ownership rights of the animals shall be assumed waived. <br />(7.)After the hearing, the owner/guardian of the animal shall be notified in writing of the determination by certified <br /> <br />mail or in person. <br />a.If a determination is made that the animal is potentially dangerous or vicious, the owner/guardian shall <br /> <br />comply with this section's requirements for restraint in accordance within seven (7) days after the date <br />of the determination. <br />b.An animal determined to be vicious may be destroyed by the City of South Bend Division of Animal Care <br /> <br />and Control when it is found by the animal control commission that the release of the animal would <br />create a significant threat to the public health, safety, and welfare. <br />c.If it is determined that an animal found to be vicious shall not be destroyed, the animal control <br /> <br />commission may impose reasonable conditions upon the ownership of the animal that protect the <br />public health, safety and welfare. <br />d.Decisions of the animal control commission are subject to appeal to the Circuit Court of St. Joseph <br /> <br />County. The Owner/Guardian of the animal(s) must do so within 10 calendar days, or they will waive <br />their right to the appeal, and all decisions will be considered final. The Owner/Guardian must also notify <br />the Animal Control Commission of their decision to appeal in writing, which will then be forwarded to <br />the Legal Department for the City of South Bend. <br />(b) If, upon investigation, it is determined by the animal control officer or law enforcement officer that probable cause <br />exists to believe the animal in question poses an immediate threat to public safety, then the animal control officer or <br />law enforcement officer may seize and impound the animal pending the hearing to be held pursuant to this section. The <br />owner/guardian of the animal shall be liable to the City of South Bend Division of Animal Care and Control where the <br />dog is impounded for the costs and expenses of keeping the animal, if the animal is later declared potentially dangerous <br />or vicious. <br />(c) A potentially dangerous animal, while on the owner/guardian's property, shall, at all times, be kept indoors, or in a <br />secured enclosure that is enclosed on all five sides and is anchored to the ground from which the animal cannot escape, <br />and into which children cannot trespass. A potentially dangerous animal may be off the owner/guardian's premises only <br />if it is restrained by a substantial leash, of no more than six feet in length, and if it is under the control of a responsible <br />adult. <br />(d) An animal that has been declared vicious may not be kept on a porch, patio or in any part of a house or structure that <br />would allow the animal to exit such building on its own volition, except to a secured enclosure. When outside, all vicious <br />animals must be confined in a secure enclosure, that is enclosed on all five sides and is anchored to the ground from <br />which the animal cannot escape, except when necessary to obtain veterinary care, or in cases of emergency where the <br />situation would endanger and/or threaten the health and welfare of the animal. <br />(1.)All such enclosures must be adequately lighted and ventilated and kept in a clean and sanitary condition. <br /> <br />(2.)The enclosure shall have secure sides and a secure top and bottom to prevent the animal from escaping over, <br /> <br /> <br />