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§ 5.029 ANIMALS AS PRIZES OR INDUCEMENTS <br />(a) No person shall sell, offer for sale, trade, barter, or give away any live animal as a prize. <br />(b) No animal shall be used as an inducement to enter, a place of amusement or any business establishment other than <br />establishments whose primary business is selling animals except for domesticated pets. <br />(c) Governmental agencies or registered rescue groups maintaining a 501c3 providing health, safety, or adoption <br />promotions will be exempt from the provisions of subsection A as described above. Any events as listed in A will require <br />necessary permits and inspection. <br />(d) Patron contact with exotic and/or dangerous animals prohibited. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.030 DYEING OR STAINING ANIMALS; ANIMALS AS NOVELTIES. <br /> (a) It shall be unlawful for a person to sell, trade, barter, or otherwise dispose of any animal whose appearance has <br />been artificially or chemically colored, sprayed or painted. <br />(b) No person or establishment shall sell, offer for sale, barter, or give away animals as novelties. <br /> (Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.031 INJURY CAUSED BY MOTOR VEHICLE TO ANIMALS. <br />Any person operating a motor vehicle who causes injury or death to an animal shall stop at once, assess the extent of <br />injury, and immediately notify the owner or animal control shelter of the location of animal or call the police or <br />emergency services after hours. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) Penalty, see § 5.999 <br />§ 5.032 LOST OR STRAY ANIMALS. <br />(a) Persons finding a stray animal are to notify the Department of Animal Control within 24 hours (or within the next <br />business day). At the discretion of the department, the animal may be kept by the finder and a found report left with the <br />department, to enable the finder an opportunity to return the animal to its rightful owner. <br />(b) Upon demand by the Department of Animal Control, any found animal will be surrendered to the department and <br />held for three business days, before a disposition is made. <br />(c) Persons finding an animal are obligated to comply with all rules and regulations of this chapter pertaining to humane <br />care and treatment of animals, while said animal is in their custody awaiting return to its actual owner. <br />(d) With the exception of the SBACC, the finder will be considered the found animal's owner for the purposes of this <br />chapter only after the animal is in the finder's custody for 15 continuous days and has been presented for microchip <br />scanning. <br />(Ord. XXXXXX) <br />§ 5.033 DANGEROUS ANIMALS PROHIBITED <br /> (a) If an animal control officer or a law enforcement officer has investigated and determined that there exists probable <br />cause to believe that an animal is potentially dangerous or vicious, the Shelter Manager of Animal Care and Control shall <br />request a hearing by the animal control commission for the purpose of determining whether or not the animal in <br />question should be declared potentially dangerous or dangerous. <br />(1.)Whenever possible, any complaint received from a member of the public which serves as the evidentiary basis <br /> <br />for finding probable cause shall be sworn to and verified by the complainant and shall be provided to the animal <br />control commission. <br />(2.)The hearing will be held within 10 calendar days at a special meeting of the animal control commission and shall <br /> <br />be open to the public. <br />(3.)The owner/guardian of the animal shall be served with notice of the hearing by certified mail or in person. Such <br /> <br />notice shall include a summary of the complaint against the owner/guardian of the animal(s) involved. <br />(4.)The Shelter Manager of Animal Care and Control shall notify the owner/guardian of the animal of the date and <br /> <br /> <br />