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COMMUNITY INVESTMENT NOVEMBER 25, 2013 3:55 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Gavin Ferlic, Valerie Schey, Henry Davis, Dr. Fred Ferlic <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott (AB), Dr. David Varner, Oliver Davis, Karen White, <br />Derek Dieter <br />Citizen Members Present: Janeen Crane (AB), Patrick Mullin (AB) <br />Others Present: Mark Neal, Scott Ford, Chris Fielding, John Murphy, Kathy <br />Cekanski - Farrand, Erin Blasko, Kathy Hahn, Brock Zeeb, Pete <br />Agostino, Dave Mathews, Jeff McGowan, Benjamin Silver <br />Agenda: Bill 13 -75 Residential Abatement/ 1028 Notre Dame Ave. <br />Bill 13 -76 Residential Abatement/ 1106 Georgiana St. <br />Bill 13 -77 Commercial Abatement/ 237 N. Michigan St. <br />Bill 13 -78 Commercial Abatement / 215 N. Sycamore St. <br />Bill 13 -79 Residential Abatement/ 1112 20t" St. & 2007 Northside Blvd. <br />Bill 13 -80 Abatement / 212 -220 W. Ewing <br />Six bills, all abatement requests, were scheduled for review before Gavin Ferlic Community Investment <br />Committee. <br />In each case Kathy Hahn from the Community Investment Department reported the staff review of each <br />abatement petition. Along with eligibility criteria, Kathy detailed, the dollar estimate of both new taxes <br />and taxes abated should the petitions be approved. She noted all procedural criteria had been met by <br />each petitioner. <br />The first bill 13 -75, was for a 5 year residential abatement for a home at 1028 Notre Dame Ave. In that <br />there has been so much "infill: construction in the last few years along Notre Dame Ave. Karen White <br />asked how long the area could be considered "distressed ". Brock Zeeb from CID (Community <br />Investment Department) said the initial designation would not expire until 2033. Gavin Ferlic said he <br />could not support the bill feeling abatement incentives were no longer needed. Valerie Schey said she <br />could not deny a petition that met all the criteria since 36 other were granted in the area. Karen White <br />added that qualifying petitions could not be denied until the Council changed the criteria in 2015. <br />Henry Davis motioned for favorable recommendation. Valerie Schey seconded. Gavin and Fred Ferlic <br />voted against. President Derek Dieter broke the tie with an affirmative vote. <br />Bill 13 -76, a residential abatement petition for 1106 Georgiana was next. The same "are incentives <br />necessary" here ensued without definitive answers. <br />Dr. David Varner said he remembered an informal agreement between the Eddie Commons developer <br />and the Council was struck when the project was first proposed prohibiting any requests for abatement. <br />