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be installed as funding was available. In response to a funding timeline question from Henry, Phil said 3- <br />5 years; Henry the asked about the possibility of a Park Bond to speed the process. Phil without <br />committing to one said one is overdue for improvements across the park system. A required 5 year park <br />planning process was due to begin the need for funds would no doubt become apparent. <br />Gavin Ferlic expressed appreciation for everyone's willingness to come together, but cautioned against <br />unrealistic hopes. Henry suggested the Kennedy Plan be broken down into phases 1, 2 and 3 so <br />expectations could be realistic and progress could be measured. Phil St. Clair agreed to break the Plan <br />into phases. <br />Turning to hear from those at this meeting, Henry suggested everyone be heard in turn. Robert Gunn <br />said he would like to see sidewalk around the park. Chris Sopczynski expressed concerns about litter, <br />noise and unsupervised unruly youth. She then offered to help with grant writing saying it was an area <br />of her expertise. <br />Henry Davis asked about Park Police. Phil said there were only two officers on patrol for the entire city. <br />Sopczynski added that communication as to the where and when, and agendas of meetings needs to be <br />better communicated which would encourage more involvement and advocacy. <br />Henry Davis then addressed the need for programming in the Parks especially in the summer to involve <br />more kids productively. At that point both Rhonda Neal and Gloria Norris talked about a picnic planned <br />for Saturday, July 13 in Kennedy Park for people to come together and rally support for the park <br />improvements. <br />Gavin Ferlic saw the opportunity and need for volunteers to sustain the park once physical <br />improvements were made. He also said residents should be a part of prioritizing needed investments in <br />the park. <br />Henry asked the Park Department to develop a realistic phased plan they could see committing to by the <br />picnic on the 13tH <br />Phil St. Clair said it would be done. <br />Summing things up, Henry pledged through his PARC Committee meetings would be held to monitor <br />progress. He then adjourned the meeting at 6:27 P.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />� A <br />Henry Davis Jr., Chairperson <br />PARC Committee <br />