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PARC COMMITTEE <br />JULY 2, 2013 5:42 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Henry Davis, Gavin Ferlic, Dr. Fred Ferlic (5:20 & 5 :40) <br />Citizen Members Present: John Whitty, Cheri Richmond <br />Other Present: Sign -in sheet attached (18) <br />Agenda: Kennedy Park Plan <br />"Late start due to locked doors at facility" <br />Henry Davis, Chairman of the PARC Committee called this special meeting of his committee to draw <br />attention to the need for facilities and programming at Kennedy Park. The park is in second <br />councilmanic district which he represents. For the convenience of nearby residents, Henry held the <br />meeting at the South Bend Animal Care Facility at 521 Eclipse Place. Henry also wanted to give a <br />neighborhood ad hoc group called the Northwest Community Focus Group, which has been meeting for <br />the last couple of years, an opportunity to present their Kennedy Park Plan. <br />Jerry Niezgodski, neighborhood activist and Rhonda Neal spokesperson for the focus group led the <br />discussion. Jointly they spoke of the groups coming together to address needs in Kennedy Park during <br />the course of the last couple of years. To help illustrate their plan Rhonda distributed a conceptual plan <br />developed with the help of John Martinez from the Park Department (attached). Jerry primarily spoke <br />to the physical needs in the park seen in the conceptual diagram. The list included basic playground <br />equipment, a walkway, as many as there pavilions and grilles, improved tennis courts, and new <br />basketball courts. Jerry recognized that more input from nearby residents would be needed before <br />committing to the courts. <br />Rhonda Neal spoke from the heart about the need and desire of neighborhood folks to have a clean, <br />safe, welcoming park. One where kids can play and families can gather without going cross town. She <br />also said she appreciated the Park Departments help putting together the plan. She also said she <br />realized it can't happen overnight; but people need a sign of hope. <br />Henry Davis asked if there was a timeline for realizing improvements. He then asked Park <br />Superintendent Phil St. Clair of there was a cost estimate. <br />Phil said like all park needs across the City, everything depends upon funding. For Kennedy he saw a 3 <br />to 5 year plan starting with grilles. A price tag for all Kennedy improvements would approach a half <br />million dollars. <br />Henry asked whether getting playground equipment could start now. Both Phil St. Clair and John <br />Martinez said Park Board approval would be required the equipment all requiring ADA compliance could <br />