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DECEMBER 9 1957 <br />Councilman Carr made a motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Tellson seconded the motion.!; <br />Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred "AN ORDINANCE REZONING A TRACT OF LAND ONE HUNDRED FEET IN <br />DEPTH, AND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY -SIX FEET IN LENGTH, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BULLA STREET AND ANDERSON AVENUE, <br />FROM "A" RESIDENCE, TO "B" RESIDENCE DISTRICT; Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in <br />their opinion it should be reported favorable. <br />/s/ George Carr, Chairman <br />Councilman Kroll made a motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Hahn seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole, to whom, was referred AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3702 COMMONLY KNOWN AS <br />"THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA" (Dwelling), Respectfully report that they have examined the <br />matter and that in their opinion It should be referred to the Ordinance Committee. <br />/s/ George Carr, Chairman <br />Councilman Kroll made a. motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Carr seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your,Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3702 COMMONLY KNOWN AS <br />"THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA" (Tourist Homes), Respectfully report that they have examined', <br />the matter And that in their opinion it should be referred to Ordinance Committee. <br />/s/ George Carr, Chairman <br />Councilman Carr made a motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3702, COMMONLY KNOWN AS'THE <br />ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA" (Lodging House), Respectfully report that they have examined the <br />matter and that in their opinion it should be referred to Ordinance Committee. <br />/s/ George Carr, Chairman <br />Councilman Tellson made a motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Hahn seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE.OF THE WHOLE': <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3702, COMMONLY KNOWN AS'YHE <br />ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA" (Hotel) , Respectfully report that they have examined the <br />matter and that in their opinion it should be referred to Ordinance Committee. <br />/s/ George Carr, Chairman <br />Councilman Kroll made a motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Carr seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE 'OF THE WHOLE: <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred AN ORDINANCE CONTROLLING THE OPERATION OF SELF - SERVICE LAUNDRIES, <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion it should be reported favorable. <br />/s/ George Carr, Chairman. <br />Councilman Tellson made a motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Kroll seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6 of SUB - PARAGRAPH (b) OF CHAPTER 26 <br />OF GENERAL ORDINANCE NO. 3709 (Taxicab Insurance), Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that <br />'in their opinion it should be reported favorable. <br />/s/ George Carr, Chairman <br />Councilman Glass made a motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. <br />.Motion carried. <br />