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Bend to take steps within the near:= future to correct this pollution prac- <br />tice, should the city of South Bend undertake the project of building a <br />sewage disposal system at this time? <br />Second: If R sewerage disposal system, such as designed by Burns & MacDonald, <br />Could be built within the amount of approximately Three Million Dollars <br />($3,000,C00), as estimated by them, should the city of South Bend under- <br />take the project of building a sewerage disposal systet at this time? <br />Third: If the Public Works Administretion is still aiding in the way of Federal <br />grants up to an amount of forty - five per, cent- (4 %) of the total cost <br />of the construction of sewerage disposal systems; should the city of South <br />Bend undertake the building of a sewerage disposal system -at this time? <br />The above three major questions, along with other less prominent questions but nevertheless <br />no less important, were assigned by the City Council to the General Qitizens' Sewerage Disposal <br />Committee for study. <br />Inconformity to the instructions by the City Council and the City Administration, the General <br />Citizens' Sererape Disposal Committee was organized as follows: a general Executive.Committee <br />end ter sub- committees. The Executive Committee assigned certain phases of the study to each <br />of the ten sub- committees with instructions to report their findings back to the Executive <br />Committee. <br />In the main the reports of the Sub - Committees are incomplete. These reports do reveal, however, <br />that the Committees are divided in their position on the subject of the advisability of the <br />building of a sewerage disposal system for the City of South Bend at this time. <br />However, reports -as affecting the three riajor questions of the assignment are comprehensive and <br />positive,in Phases of their findiings. <br />THE LEGAL SUB - COMMITTEE FINDINGS <br />By act of legislation in 1933, and that augmented by legislation in 1935, the question of <br />stream pollution and sanitation was placed -under the Departrrrent of Commerce and Industry. The <br />Sub - Committee learns through the- statutes-created by these two- sessions -of the legislature of <br />the periods given- that it is within the power of the Department of Commerce- and Industry to <br />make an- analysis of the condition and study the extent- of pollution created by the sewerage dis- <br />posel now diverted -into the St. Joseph River. The Department in charge of the study of streams.! <br />pollution intends to make a complete survey of the condition of the St. Joseph River in its <br />flow through Indiana. This survey and analysis, the Sub- Committee is- informed, 'will be made not <br />Inter than the middle- of .1938. If the Department finds a - condit ion of pollution existent in <br />the St. Joseph River which does not comply - with -the- requirements of the sanitation laws of the <br />State, action will be instituted against the municipalities causing this pollution. The laws <br />are fortified by time -limit provisions. <br />THE TECHNICAL & ENGINEERING_SUB *COMMITTEE FINDINGS <br />The sub•- Committee is divided-on the subject of the adequacy of +he proposed sewerage disposei <br />project as submitted In the proposal ae.furnished -by the City Administration for its-study. <br />The _Committee: 1a not in agreement -on the likelibood that a satisfactory or` ade uste- seweree <br />disposal system could be built for South Bend within the three million dollar ?$3,000,00n)' <br />estim6te. <br />THE FEDERAL GRANT SUB - COMMITTEE FINDINGS <br />The study for the building of a sewerage disposal system for the City of South Bend-wea pr°e -- <br />dicsted on the possibility of a. Federal grant- of money through the Public Works Administration <br />up to 45% of the total cost of the construction. The Sub- Committee has been diligent in its <br />efforts to ascertain the possibility of receiving this aid for: South Bend in this proposed <br />project. The report reveals that the City of South Bend is too late in getting its proposal be- <br />fore the Public "forks Administration. The report further reveals that with the return of prosp- <br />erity and the disposition on the part of the Federal Administration to balance the National <br />Budget during the next year, thereis a gradual dismantling of the Public Works Administration. <br />There ere in excess of 2,900 approved projects awaiting PUPA allotments, with inadequate appro- <br />priations to care for these already approved projects. <br />Without recommendation, the-General Citizens' Sewerage Disposal Committee submits to the City <br />Council and the City Administration the report of its study findings, and respectfully requests <br />its dismissal. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />(signed) G. Fred Wiedman <br />General Chairman <br />General Citizens' Sewerage Disposal Committee <br />April , 1937. <br />8:45 P. M. REGULAR MEETING CONTINUED <br />Councilman Goetz moved that the report of the General Citizens' Sewerage Disposal Committee be <br />referred to the Board of Public Works end they in turn report back to the Council. Councilman <br />Chambers moved to emend Councilmen Goetz' motion by expressing appreciation of determinin-V the <br />facts of the sewerage disposal plant. Councilman Goetz accepts the amendment. Councilman <br />Rasmussen seconded the mct ion. Mo +ion carried. <br />There being no fur +her business Councilmen James moved to adjourn. Councilman Bierwagen seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried. Council adjourned at 9:00 P. M. <br />ATTEST: APPROVED: <br />17\Jt/ <br />CLERK PRE IDE" <br />