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WHEREAS, the various civic organizations interested in having proper educational facilities <br />for the high school children have taken positive action favoring the construction of such a <br />senior high school in this part of the city; and <br />WHEREAS; the South Bend School Board or its representatives, have publicly stated on several <br />occasions th ^t there is a need for a Senior high school on the east side of the city; and <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend School Board did at a recent meeting when again petitioned for this <br />school by representatives of the aforementioned civic organizations, make substantially the <br />following statements: <br />(1) that an unquestioned need exists for this east side senior high school; <br />(2) that the various civic organizations interested should recommend ways and means of <br />financing this proposed school; <br />(3) That the interested parents, citizens and civic associations should appeal to the St. <br />Joseph County Tax Adjustment Board for thier support and assistance; and <br />WHEREAS, these interested civic groups after study of the School Board's statements appreciates <br />the.School Board's recognition of the need for the proposed school,, believe that this east <br />side senior high school can be constructed and financed without the issuance of bonds or the in- <br />crease of the total South Bend tax rate, and -thee proper acti-on must be taken so that the Ad- <br />justment Board can properly consider the proposal during their deliberations next September;. F <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the study and investigation by-these groups indicates that the funds are or can be made <br />available and in their opinion the only point at issue is whether these funds are to be used <br />for unneeded or increased expenditures -or- for - needed educational facilities through the construc <br />t.on of the proposed east side-senior high school.. <br />NOW'THERTFORE, BE.IT RESOLVED that the South Bend School Board is hereby requested to include <br />provisioi for this east side senior high school in its 1937 - 1939 budget so that the tax ad- <br />justment board may duly consider t <br />AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ate recommend that the construction be financed without the in- <br />crease of the overall South Bend tax rate through attention to the following principles of <br />sound finance: <br />(a) The civil city,•county, township and school city shall reduce their tax rates through <br />the elimination of ell expenditures not absolutely necessary, thus making an add.itiona <br />tax rate available for the proposed new senior high school buildnq fund without in- <br />creasing the present total tax rote of $2.45. <br />(b) All funds provided for items in the budget for 1937 not recur in 1938 to be <br />also held available for this proposed new school; <br />(c) Use of funds which may be released from closed banks <br />(d) <br />Use <br />of <br />money obtained from the <br />tax sale <br />and payment of <br />delinquent taxes. <br />(e) <br />Use <br />of <br />upwards of $100,000.00 <br />additional <br />revenue from <br />the state Gross Income Tax. <br />(f) Construction of.the school to be .timed so payment made during s two ±year period <br />thus obtaining money in two succedsive tax levies_. „ <br />AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT COPIES OF THIS RESOLTUION be sent to members ofthe South Bend <br />School Boerd, to '.-the Mayor of South Bend, members of the City and County Council$, Portage <br />T t:w nship Trustee, interested citizens and oivic associations. <br />-- JOINT COMMITTEE FOR AN E4ST SIDE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL <br />Jasper. N. Barnes <br />Chairman <br />Councilman James moved that the resolution-of the East Side High School Committee be accepted <br />end placed on file end, further, that this Council concurs with the intent this resolution <br />and will do everything it can to cooperate with the other taxing units in assisting to obtain <br />a mucr needed high school on the east side of the City. And, further, that a copy of this <br />motion, together with the East Side High School Committee's resolution, be forwarded to the <br />Mayor end the heads of the several departments of the City for their consideration and action <br />when drawing up their budget estimates. Councilman Kerner seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />1 A. M. * A . 1�2,_ PARKING <br />Councilmen Gcetz moved that the City Attorney draft en..:ordinance in regard to cars being removed <br />from streets from 1 A. M. - 5-A. M. Councilman Chambers seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />R=ECESS FOR THREE MINUTES <br />Mr. Wiedman read the following report : <br />REPORT OF THE GENERAL CITIZENS' SEWERAGE DISPOSAL COMMITTEE <br />TO THE CITY COUNTIL AND THE CITY ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />In compliance with the instructions given the General Citizens' Sewerage Disposal Committee by <br />the City Council and the City Administration, the Committee now and herein submits its report. <br />The instructions to the Committee by the City Council, at the time of the assignment of the <br />study of the project of a sewerage disposal system for the City of South Bend, were predicated <br />on three specific questions: <br />First: If, in view of the sanitation and stream pollution laws of the commonwealth of <br />Indiana, or any other commonwealth that might be affected by South Bend's stream <br />pollution, there is a. likelihood of a forced action mandating the city of South <br />