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date cat licensing, responsible owners can receive license fee d <br />if they: <br />keep cats indoors; <br />i) <br />spay or neuter their pets; <br />ii) <br />belong to a cat club that promotes responsible pet <br />iii) <br />ownership 19; or <br />participate in cat shows or cat rescue efforts 19. <br />iv) <br />Incentives cannot reduce the license fee below a base amount. <br />For details on how to implement incentive and education <br />programs, see the discussion under dog licensing above. <br />One free ride home <br />NAIA supports animal control agencies that recognize and work <br />with feral cat colonies and their caretakers by providing health <br />spay and neuter services for colony animals. Identification of t <br />to the success of the colony program. <br />If a licensed or registered pet is picked up at large and is ide <br />by its chip or license tag, thereby allowing the animal control <br />return it without taking it to the shelter, the pet will be retu <br />owner directly. When returning the pet, the animal control offic <br />remind the owner that the pet must be confined and that further <br />may result in impoundment, a fine, or a citation. <br />If the pet is picked up running at large on a second occasion, i <br />will be taken to the shelter and a citation for violation will be issued to the <br />owner. Penalties can be increased for subsequent violations. <br />Nuisances <br />Abatement of nuisances caused by pets is essential for neighbor- <br />hood harmony. <br />Nuisances include excessive noise, soiling of public property <br />1) <br />and of private property not owned or rented by the pet owner, an <br />caused by failure to clean the dogÈs resident property. <br />It is a dogÈs nature to bark at strangers and other dogs and a <br />2) <br />dog ownerÈs responsibility to minimize the impact this noise has <br />neighborhood. The noise rises to the level of nuisance when the <br />barks, howls, or yelps in a habitual, consistent, or persistent manner that <br />continually disturbs the peace of the neighborhood. <br />Soiling occurs when the dog or cat: <br />3) <br />[ 15 ] <br />© National Animal Interest Alliance, March 2005 <br /> <br />