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RESOLUTION <br />A RESOLUTION FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION IN <br />THE'TEMPORARY HELP" ACCOUNT OF THE OFFICE OF CITY <br />CLERK IN THE AMOUNT OF $460.00 AND THE,TRANSFER <br />OF THE SAME FROM THE "SALARIES AND WAGES, REGULAR" <br />ACCOUNT IN THE SAME CATEGORY, TO -WIT: SERVICES <br />PERSONAL, AND ALL BEING IN THE GENERAL FUND. <br />Speaking in favor of the Resolution, and explaining it's need was Kathryn L. Blough, City Clerk. <br />Councilman Allen made a motion that the Resolution be referred to a Special Committee for study, <br />and that a report be given at the next regular meeting, November 14, 1966. Councilman Smith seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried, 5 ayes (Councilmen Allen, Geib, Laven, Smith and Szymkowiak) 4 nays (Councilmen <br />Hunter, Palmer, Wise and Muszynski). President Hunter appointed Councilman Allen Chairman of the Special <br />Committee, with Councilmen Laven, Geib, Smith and Szymkowiak as its members. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 143 -66 <br />A RESOLUTION FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION <br />IN THE "POSTAGE" ACCOUNT OF THE OFFICE OF CITY <br />CLERK IN THE AMOUNT OF $248.66 AND THE TRANSFER <br />OF THE SAME FROM THE "TRAVELING EXPENSES ", "PRINTING, <br />OTHER THAN OFFICE SUPPLIES" AND "REPAIRS OF <br />EQUIPMENT" ACCOUNTS IN THE SAME CATEGORY, TO -WIT: <br />SERVICES CONTRACTUAL, AND ALL BEING IN THE GENERAL <br />FUND. <br />WHEREAS, Certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption of the existing annual <br />budget, so that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriated in the annual budget <br />for'the various functions of City Government to meet such extraordinary contingencies; and <br />WHEREAS, Additional funds for metered postage are urgently needed by the Office of City Clerk to <br />assure its ability to properly perform its function and the sum of $248.66 is needed forthwith; and <br />WHEREAS, A surplus exists in other accounts where it is not presently needed; and more specifically <br />as follows, to -wit: <br />1. One Hundred Thirteen Dollars and Eighty -Five Cents ($113.85) in ACCOUNT C -213 designated as <br />"Traveling Expenses ", and <br />2. Eighty -Six Dollars and Seventeen Cents ($86.17) in ACCOUNT C -241 designated<as "Printing, <br />Other Than Office Supplies ", and <br />3. Forty -Eight Dollars and Sixty -Four Cents ($48.64) in ACCOUNT C -252 designated as "Repairs of <br />Equipment ". <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, That the afore- <br />mentioned sums $113.85,$86.17 and $48.64, from the aforementioned accounts respectively, C -213, C -241 and <br />C -252, be transferred to the following accounts, to -wit: <br />4. Two Hundred Forty -Eight Dollars and Sixty -Six Cents ($248.66) to ACCOUNT C -212 designated as <br />"Postage ", all of said accounts being in the same category, to -wit: Services Contractual of the Office of <br />City Clerk. <br />/s/ Walter M. Szymkowiak <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Kathryn L. Blough, City Clerk, spoke in favor of the Resolution. Councilman Muszynski made a motion that <br />the Resolution be adopted by a roll call vote. Councilman Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />The Resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of 9 ayes (Councilmen Hunter, Allen, Palmer, Wise, Geib, <br />Szymkowiak, Laven, Smith and Muszynski) 0 nays. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Councilman Muszynski informed the Council of the operation of a junkyard in a residential district on <br />the 500 block of South Walnut St. Robert J. DuComb, City Attorney stated that an investigation would <br />be made, and recommended informing the Board of Public Works and Safety. President Hunter instructed the <br />Clerk to inform the Board of Works of the situtation. <br />There being no further business before the Council, Councilman Wise made a motion to adjourn. Councilman <br />Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried. Council adjourned at 9:25 P.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />CLERK <br />APPROVED: <br />PRESIDENT <br />